Beloved of All
Praise report: thank you for helaing of teeth and jaws and healignof my grandma. pelas ehal my moma dn dad. take my dad out of homlessnes. pelase provid eof rme Godly husband. hela B in eevry wa.y giv ehimyour salvaiton giv eus all logn happy belsse dlife lalpeoel. please take away the devils power ove rus giv eus hope. sav eus hela us forgve us please. i pelad oyur Holy blood upon thisprayer. thanky ou for your helaign even now. pleas ehal all who nee dnew teeht and have metbaolic acidosis and strep flehs eaitgn bacteria diabetes adn demntia alzeimers. hela my grandma form dmenia thanky ouf or strenght pelas hela my of dehydration. please provide B wiht wonderufl day. dleive hrimforms mokign adn alchhaulsim.pelas egiv em ymom happy belsse life healign of asperger syndor,e. please heal Bé of high cholesterol. pleas ehal my da dheart valve and giv ehim exceleltn atrabel insulin emoitonal helaign and new wellbeign encoutne rwiht Chirst as Lord Savior healer providr. heal me of germ phobia coorna phobia waksitng not soudn meing dself hatred haitng my lfi edleive rme and giv em joy of the lor dlike never befor ei pray that lalpoepel have a mriculus encoutner wiht the true livcign God. Lor dplease do alliynour power to jon me wiht my earhtly husband. tel him i lvo ehim and miss him. protec otu ourts form eveil keep us int he Will of Gdo and le d us not into temptaiton but ut of it. ine evry are aoforu lives. pelas eforgiv em of pazearlás not keepign Home. please provide for me washable clothign that nsice please dleive rme ofrm ocd worry. pleas eprovide best of the best of everyhitng and smae wiht allpoeel. Please guid eus all and make us do oyur IWll. help em to tolerate certian soudns that giv em extrme anxiety. hela me of menatl illness giv em the strgnth to do oyur Will . i pray htis for all peopel. pleas help me od diapers etc......pelase giv emy siste irn alw excleltn pregnancy health baby miralc enphewe most beutiful most belss babdy nephew may he be a belsisng ot whoel fiyl. ehlp me recocniel wiht my siste irnlaw hela my brothe ran dher in every way. provid eofr my brothe rand siste irnlaws needs and help them out of any traps the neemy may have put them it. protect an dhela and restore and strenghten all marriage ouy have ordiane dofrmthe deivl. i pelad the hOyl blodo of Chirs tona ll emn woemnchidlrne babys babys in wombs all peoel Lor dset us allf ree form demonis opression giv ehope and healign adressurection to thos ien need. dleivr thos ewho are in addiciotns who ar elonely be their friend and please help em to eb wht oyu cla em to be help em hear oyu rvoice an dhela me of dyhydraiotnd enpresiosn same wiht my mom help my mom be happy joyfl heal ehr amy she have amriculous encoutner wiht oyu Lord and same wiht my da dand B and my grandm brother sisteirnlaw and their childrne . please help em clena help me foccus delive rme form germ phobia szilánkphobia help me not oto wrooy. giv eme hope oyu cane dleive rme formthese things. pelas eprovide bes tmobiel bed for my grand and best nutriton for my fmaiyl clothign chelter fo all oru needs met and that we have greatlove for oen another adn heal us our mids briandsand emoitn and my hubby too. hela all those who are hurtign and giv eus the hope tht is in OXu. in thenamoe fthe Lor dJeus Chirs.t take awa yall cancer corna phobia corna virus all palgues dieases sickness wars and all evil and hatre idnt his world giv eus pure and ancd clean holy hearts tha tplease oyu adn keep us formt he eivl one. please od all inyour power to protec tmy da dna dfmaila dna llpeoel form accident deaht and clamitie sincluidng natural dister.s giv em da dheliang is hear t and motinaly send holy anangels ot minste rot him ehlp hima nd dleive hrimform homelss nes help em to see my da dprovid echeap plance ticket and ver yeas yan oyful emans to see him. please! alos protect V forme vila nd all relative allside sprotec thela dnd leive rusofrm evil help us ot your will and help all peoel in authity od oyur Will. beign us the helaign w need in allt he ladns help us prepare for oyur comgin giv eus wisodmt and the pwoer ot act ont he wisodm you giv eus commucniate to us allceary so we may really kow oyu and hear you and trus touy and help s to relaly heart you discenr oyur tone and faicla expresison and dleive rme form asper Lor dplease hela all who nee dhelaign phycscialy mentall emotionally. pelas ehl foroyur glroy. ehal my of phobias hela my grandm amom fad brother siste rin law baby And B. dleierus all form evil. and brign us closer ot youthnak you.inthenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. please help me to lvi eof royu Lor dturly and seek you wiht lal ym heart serv eouy iwht all my hear ti pray htis of rlalpeoel. pleas eprovide and may i onyl wbuy wha touy want me ot bus pleas eprovid echeap slippers for gearden rian boos rian coat easy washabel clothes pleas eprovide mobile bed of rmy grandma and helaing of germy szilánk weird thoguths.. oyu knwo what hey ar ei nee dhelaign pelas renew the spiit of my midne stbalich my htoguths and help to see clearly. hela my midn and also allepoel. and my grandmas willa dn stenghten her hapiness giv her exclelent blood suagr blood pressure merr yhapy heart deivng heaignf orm your hand slor dand hela bS brian too take awa yall desir eot smoke and drink. may he feel the flov eof Chirs tlalhis lfie and same with lalof iu. hela htose who have ashma. helamy da dkeep himwarm sttrenhtne heal his heart send him diveing e encoutner iwht Chirst powerfully heal him Lord and my moma ndall peoel for oyur glory save us help us restor ous. you are to be glorifed thnak yuf or anothe rday help us to rejoic ean dbe glad in it giv em the sttrenght to doyoru Will and also no qualerring beteenme an dmymome xcleltn lovign true ly lovign commucniaiotn understniang help my mother to easily discern facial expression and haev mroe emphty and udnerstnian gtowrd sme and not make performance an didol. hela he rbrian heal hela ine very way oyu ndeem fit Lord. hela our relaiotnshipa nd giv em more enrgy ot odoyur IWll.. thanky ouf or my fmaiyl my life and Lord thanky u for oyu!. hela her lp and estory the owrkdks of the deivl for laleoel espeiclaly onthis site. ehal all those delive rhtemofrm cancer resotr ebides limbs teeht ligament soudl mentaly illnesses beheale idnthenameof th Lord Jeus Hirst dleive rus flall form dmeonic possesion. psess Lord and dleive urs ofrm unclena spirits tromentign us and prevenitng us form doign oyur Willw ithoall oyur heart.s guide us teahc us show us the way ot go clearly clearly and gentl ypleas. etn emaoe fthe Lord Jue sCHirs.t odnt el tme wast em lfi enot serivng Lor dod everythign so i dont do thant and leive rmy famiyl form dehydraitn ucnlena spirits giv eu slivign water hela me form diabets metbalilscs acisosi turm hirsutism male spirits that s attahce do tme ake me to WOman you always wante dme to pbe and make my hubyb the man you wanthimto be protec tu slal with your holy angesl and brign us intot all truth. thanky ou.Lor dno ocutnerfeit souse no strnage sposuse onyl whiom you have joned me wiht Lord and as soon as possibel heal restore brig us to be one flehs an dhel am y grandma thnaky ouf or oyu rheliangs. helpem keep goign Lord.. please keep me away form alllsut covetousnes idolatries ucnlena psirt provide for lal my need speka wiht me...