Gabriel Gichinga
Prayer Warrior
oh dearest God, I want to sincerely thank you for what and who you have been in my life, I have seen you work in my life that I can't sometimes believe the individual you have made me to become, yet I hear you whisper that it's only the beginning, thank you for your abundant mercy for helping me overcome an evil habit that had me in bondage for so many years, oh gentle shepherd you have truly been JEHOVAH the God who becomes, for the last four years I have walked through the wilderness, fires and floods yet Lord I have not lacked, you have fed me, comforted me, made me feel loved, happy and peaceful in the midst of trials, oh dear God I know there are many things ahead of my life, and I dont know what is around the next corner, but I am happy because as you have been with me, you will be with me, dear God I have learnt by experience that all human relationships are flawed and will eventually hurt, but dear God you have never hurt me not one day, even when I have been the least deserving of your love and attention, oh blessed God thank you for giving me the very best, oh I know I dont deserve him oh do help me to treasure and obey and love him, lord be praised for being so kind and patient to one so undeserving, Amen.