Beloved of All
When I became of age 17 I was with child all I could think about was where am I going to live? Never how can I afford it. All my thoughts were where was I going to live? My then baby daddy showed me a post in the newspaper about section 8. For those who do not know what that is it is a subsidized rent. I applied and I was approved and I was on it for 40 years! The whole time I had houses and I could move anywhere I wanted back then and all I paid for my rent was one dollar a month! For 40 years! In my late 40s I got a job working for the state where I met my husband. Since I got married I had to get off of section 8. My husband and I were together for 10 years; then we separated. My job fired me because at the time I was on a temp agency. So when I was getting laid off I would collect unemployment at the same time I was working. So after the 13 years they caught up with me and they fired me! I am still paying Unemployment for backpay. But even though I am no longer on section 8 I still have low payments. Because I applied for SSD because all my family members kept telling me I was crazy so I took advantage of it and I was approved!?! Now that I have low income the government helps me with all my bills. Thank you Jesus! Everyone of my bills are paid everyone of my bills have hundreds of credit! Since I own my house I pay taxes and it’s only $478.00 every three months! Thank you Jesus! The government have paid for a new roof new furnace new water heater and new windows! Thank you Jesus! The Lord has also sent me helpful men that do carpeting two became my friends and they have fixed my plumbing put new wood on my floor but mirrors up, wall portraits, sexy wooden steps and gave me a brand new bathroom all this was free throughout the years! The guy friend came into my life at the time that my back room had mold in my walls. So the whole back of my room from the top to the bottom in my den had to be knocked down! I did not have a clue of what I was going to do all I thought about was it was going to be done! That’s when I met my other friend guy who is also a carpenter! He told me he would put up a new wall for $450.00!?! At the time he said that I had the money but my mind wasn’t sane! I would curse the carpenter out calling him gay all kinds of things so he stopped the project for one whole winter! I had no wall on from top to the bottom of my home for the whole winter and my bedroom had no walls it was freezing in my bedroom! There were only turps! Anyone could have come into my house at any time! But it didn’t concern me? All I thought about was it was already done!
My husband was worried because the wall wasn’t up he told me why I didn’t I just shut up and let him do the job! But I was telling him how to do his job?
Anyway the house I’m talking about is my uncle’s house. That I desired in my teens he had a balcony on the back porch a basement fully furnished with the bar. Every time I went to my uncle’s house I longed for it! 25 years later my uncle who did not know I desired his house left me the house?
Out of all 11 of my siblings he chose me to leave the house to? Now that I am separated from my husband I moved there! Now I own my house and since I own my home and have low income! That’s the reason I have no bills only credit.
My oil bill is paid every month in the winter. My electricity bill is paid every month, my water bill is paid every 3 months. So all my bills accumulate credit! And when my SSD check comes I can either save or spend it. My health is good too! NOW! At some point I had very bad symptoms in my back and hips and knees. I went to the doctor they did x-ray and I was told I have arthritis in both my hips. They told me they could help it by giving me shots every three months? They said I could make an appointment today, so I did, but when the appointment came I changed my mind! I asked myself what would Jesus do? And I said out loud Jesus would say he healed! So I went on YouTube and put inside the search bar I was healed from arthritis! Up pops this white couple talking about MORINGA! I ordered the MORINGA! And on the 3rd day I had no more pain! It’s been 4 months and I still have no pain!!! Hallelujah
Now any time I have a symptom I look up leaves of trees that heal the symptoms! In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS. May God bless this PRAISE!