Beloved of All
I am sure the admins and many of you know the terrible sitiation we as a family have bern in trying to find a new rental home. We viewed a property today , a small holding similiar to whete we currently live. My daughters fell in love with the place. Smiles all around. Tje landlords were open and inviting. Its not perfect as its a distance from school and isolated but seems very safe with an automated entry gate eith security. I am happy and do are my daughters. The lanflords have the same dream as we do. I ferl ashamed for giving up when I knew in tome that our lord will provide. Its our dream home. Even if it is temporarily. I want to thsnk evetyone of you goldrn soyls eho prayed and even just read my request. The Lord truly does have his will for us even though we dont always understand or see it. I know its simple words but I thank you all . May Jesus our savior kerp watch over you. I thank you.