Brother James
Beloved of All
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing others to know that we can copy and share each other’s ways of talking, praying to You, for Blessing us with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, for Losing not a one of us, for Fighting for us while we Thank, Praise and Rest in You, for Giving Us Love, Forgiveness and Compassion for each other especially our loved ones as You Love and Forgive Us, for Picking us up when we fall, for Watching over us, for Preparing us for everything as well as Preparing everything for us like You did for Jonah, for Blessing me to get my VA benefits in advance, for the Blessings and Convictions of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ All over the world, for Blessing us to Thank and Praise You in advance for things rather than complaining, for Helping us do the things we need to do in You, for Healing us by Your stripes, for Blessing us to see ourselves healed in advance, for Removing doubts and curses from me, for keeping me alive preparing me for the Rapture, for Always Being with us in our journey through You, to You, for the Joy of Your Salvation, for dying on a cross for our sins, for Rising from the dead, for Preparing a Place for us in Paradise, for Being ready to call us to join You in the Clouds of Glory, for Your Incredible Love for me, for us, for Your Forgiveness for my sins, for Your Incredible Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Overwhelming Incredible Joy of what You Do, Did, Will Do for us which is our strength, for Always answering Yes and Amen when we pray according to Your Word, for Confidence in You, for Your Incredible Provisions, for the Foods, Clothes, Shoes, Shelter, Water, Fuels, Lotions, Soaps, Things that wax not old, Overflow, Outlast, Replenish, Refill, for Convicting our son and my Brother to help us find a new place in advance, sell our property in advance while we wait on You, for Blessing me to get the mower running well again in advance, for Saving my house in advance, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their husbands and wives unto You, for Sending Workers of the Harvest unto them with All they need and more to turn/return unto You, for Blessing my brothers and sisters in Christ with All they need and more in You, for All the wildlife living around us, for Taking care of the wildlife, for Your Incredible Promises to Claim in Your Name above names Jesus, for Allowing No weapon formed against us to prosper, for the Many times You healed me by Your stripes past, present, future, for Blessing me to cast all my cares upon You, for Taking care of my needs, for Giving me favor in others eyes, for Blessing me as well as my offspring not to be begging for bread, for Your Incredible Righteousness that has actually saved my life more than once especially for the time that the mountain lion appeared right above me as well as the time that I wound up within less than an inch of a rattle snake with my wife, for Blessing my wife and I to remember things we did and do for each other that were for our good, for Teaching me to rest in You, for Your Incredible Word that flows through me, for Choosing me first, for Loving me first, for Being my Most Valuable, Most Incredible Treasure, for Revealing Yourself to me when I was searching for You, for Giving me Many things to remind me that You are Quite Real, that Your Words, Your Scriptures are Infinite Truth, for Over Blessing me to depend on You for everything especially for Salvation, for Having Done Everything for me, for Us who Trust in You, for Praying for Us in words that cannot be uttered, for the Wisdom to not answer my phone especially when I desire to Rest in You, for Convicting the family that You Blessed me with to help each other out in advance, to remember each other’s short comings, to be easy on each other, for Hiding me under the shadow of Your Wings in Your Secret Places and Oh so very much more! Come Quickly Lord Jesus even though You are already here in my heart as well as All Around me as in my Habitation, my Dwelling Place and Oh the incredible promises for Claiming that found in Scripture especially Psalms 91! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!