Brother James
Beloved of All
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Your Reminders of Things You Have Done for me, for Convicting me to share of You as what You have done for me You can do for anyone who calls on You, who claims of Your Promises, for Being Greater than my weaknesses, for Saving me, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You, for Sending Workers of the Harvest unto us with All that we need and more to turn/return unto You, for Convicting others to watch and research things I send them in advance, for Convicting me to take no thought for my life trusting in Your Thoughts for me, to die to myself, to live unto You, for Healing me by Your stripes from not needing heart surgeries instantly as well as Healings that take time and in advance All by what You Did for me, for Proving Yourself unto me many times, for Making me at peace with beasts of the field through Your Righteousness with the mountain lion that appeared right above me as well as the rattlesnake that my wife and I were within less than an inch of, for Blessing me with many Testimonies, for Returning my wife unto You as well as unto me through the book of Hosea, for Your Provisions that are never ending, for the Foods, Clothes, Shoes, Shelter, Water, Fuels, Lotions, Soaps, Things that wax not old, Overflow, Outlast, Replenish, Refill, for Blessing me to get things done in You, for Prospering me Spiritually as well as physically in my journey in You, for Being my Greatest, Most Incredible Treasure, for the Soon to be Rapture of Your Church, for Hiding me in Your Secret Places under the shadow of Your Wings, for Blessing me with Wisdom and Understanding, for Revealing Things to me in Scripture that I didn't and don't deserve to know, for Convicting me to Thank and Praise You in advance for things rather than complain, for Your Incredible Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Joy of what You Did, Do, Will Do for us which is my strength, for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ All over the world, for Taking care of our needs, for Blessing us with more than we deserve to be able to share with others, for Blessing me to fix things that need repaired, for Keeping things from needing repaired, for the mild fall as well as the mild winter in advance as well as the summer that didn't get to hot, for Healing me from Reynaud's syndrome in advance by Your stripes, for Blessing and Convicting someone to buy everything I have to be able to move somewhere that would please my wife, for Peacing and Stilling the storms in me as well as around me past, present and future, for Your Incredible Word Filled and Overflowing with Promises to Claim in Your Name Jesus in my language, for Flowing Through me unto Everlasting Life with You in Paradise, for Preparing me as well as the things in my life as You Did for Jonah and Oh so very much more! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!