Brother James
Beloved of All
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Wisdom, for this website, for Giving others the wisdom to make all the things we have around us whether they knew it or not, for Blessing All things to work unto my good because of the Love You Give/Gave me for You, for Loving me First, for Choosing me First, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You, for Sending Workers of the Harvest unto them with All they need and more to turn/return unto You, for Blessing me to pay my bills, get things done unto You, for Increasing my finances in advance, for Blessing me to mow the lawn You Blessed me with properly without getting debris on me nor hurting myself, for Blessing everything on the mower, trimmer to work, for Prospering me in everything I do as my soul Prospers in You, for Your Provisions, for the Foods, Clothes, Shoes, Shelter, Water, Fuels, Lotions, Soaps, Things that wax not old, Overflow, Outlast, Replenish, Refill, for the Many Miracles You Bless me with, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Your Convictions, Corrections, Chastisements, for Blessing me to sell everything in advance, for Blessing me to be debt free in advance, for the Soon to be Rapture, Departure to You from this earth to Your Paradise, for Blessing me with Brothers and Sisters in Christ who pray for each other, remind each other of Your Promises, for Blessing them with All they need and more in You, for Removing negativity, curses from me, for Healing me by Your stripes, for Drawing me closer to You, for Convicting and Blessing me with Your Incredible Word daily, for Always Being with me, for Keeping me, Flowing through me, the Many times You Proved Yourself to me, Saved my life, for the times I got to see that You made me at peace with the beasts of the field through Your Righteousness that You placed in me, for the Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Joy of what You Did, Do, Will Do for me, for never leaving me, for showing me it's impossible for me to leave You even if I wound up in Hell, for Showing me the liquid fire from Hell in the form of lava and Oh so very much more! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!