Brother James
Beloved of All
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Anointing me unto You, for Dwelling with me, for Baptizing me unto You, for Dwelling in me, for Finishing All things unto Yourself for me, for Always Helping me, for Opening my eyes and ears unto You, for Blessing me with wisdom, for Being my Greatest Treasure, for Saving my house, for Being my House, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You, for Sending Workers of the Harvest unto them with All they need and more to turn/return unto You, for the Many times You Proved Yourself unto me, for the Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Joy of what You Did, Do, Will Do for me which is my strength especially when I have no strength on my own, for Blessing me to be at peace with the beasts of the field through Your Righteousness, for the many times You Proved Yourself to me, Proved I am Yours, for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ on here as well as All around the world who pray for each other, lift each other up, remind each other of Your Promises, for Blessing them with All they need and more in You, for Saving those in thefts, pornography, lies, murders, lasciviousnesses, anything that separates us from You, for drawing us out of our sins, for convicting us not to watch those kinds of activities, for drawing those out of activities of tormenting Christians around the world, for Saving them, for Convicting them, for giving my Brothers and Sisters an escape of that type of activity in You, for Picking me up when I fall, for Being So Loving, So Gracious unto me, for Your Incredible Word, Incredible Instructions especially those I didn't understand at first, for Setting me free of Any bondages, for Not Being finished in me, for Keeping me, for Correcting me, for Chastising me, for Setting me upon You, for Doing things for me that I don't deserve, for Your Provisions, for the Foods, Clothes, Shoes, Shelter, Water, Fuels, Lotions, Soaps, Things that wax not old, Overflow, Outlast, Replenish, Refill Miraculously, for Being the Fountain of Living Waters, for Being my Habitation, for Allowing No sickness, No plague, No virus, No evil to enter nor be near me just because You are my Habitation, for Being More than my Greatest Treasure, for Finding me as I thought I searched for You, for Revealing Yourself unto me, for Prospering me as my soul Prospers in You, for Blessing me to pay my bills, for Blessing me with work especially when I have medical situations where I shouldn't be working, for Healing me by Your stripes, for Blessing me to take no thought for my life, for Blessing me to die to myself, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me and Oh so very much more! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!