Brother James
Beloved of All
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for the Joy of Your Salvation, for the Joy of what You Did, Do, Will Do which is my strength, for Saving my house in advance, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You, for Your Great Love and Forgiveness for me, for Convicting and Causing my loved ones not to block me especially for sharing You with them, to unblock me, for Blessing my mower to run and work well in advance, for Blessing me to easily mow without hurting myself, without getting covered by debris from any wind or branches or other in advance, for Blessing me to repair the work vehicle in advance, for Always Being with me in my heart as well as All around me, for Being my Habitation, for Allowing No sickness, No plague, No virus, No evil in nor near me, for Making me Your Righteousness in and through You, for Your Provisions, for the Foods, Clothes, Shoes, Shelter, Water, Fuels, Lotions, Things that wax not old, Overflow, Outlast, Replenish, Refill, for Blessing me with Your Incredible Peace that is like wine, for Blessing me to share You with others, for Saving Casey if it be Your Will, for Removing anything around him that isn't of You, for Drawing him unto You, for Being So Incredible unto me, for the Clouds of Glory, for Revealing Yourself unto me, for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, for Blessing us with All we need and more in You, for Blessing us to Prosper in You, for Making me debt free in advance, for Your Incredible Promises, for Healing me by Your stripes, for Blessing me with work, for Blessing my wife and I to be a house undivided unto You, for Teaching me to Thank and Praise You rather than complain, for Making me at peace with the beasts of the field, for Your Incredible Word which flows through me, for Having Done All Things for me, for Your Grace, Mercy, Everlasting Kindness, for Blessing me in every direction around me, for Causing me to turn, to repent from my sins, for Causing me to Stand in/on You even as I've done all I can and Oh so very much more! All for Your Glory Lord Jesus! All in Jesus! Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus! Glory to You Lord Jesus!!!