Beloved of All
thank you.please pray for my granma who has been bedridden for seven years. i am a cargive rbut but im ill. we bot nee dhelaign fo blood sugar issues (nee dhelaing of type oen diabetes and flehs eatignbacteria for lal my fmialy. im strugglign wiht this illness and its hard becuas ei need to help my mothe rna dgrandma all the time. and im strugglign wihtmy helaht so much. my granmda too. she doenst even open her eyes doenst move shes very weak and i feel guilty. pelas peray my we are suffeirgn a lot. pleas epray fo rmy fmialy slavaitona nd helaign several issues. im gogin to be 34 this friday and wihs i were married and not ill. i hvane tleft the hosue in years due to covid phobia as well. pleas epray mymom has aspeger syndorm and im triyng to help her btu i feel ike i cant take car eof myself. i hav eno friend sor fmaily nearby ot help. im extrmely dehydrated al the tiem and so is my grandma. mym om lost another tooth form this flehs eaitng bacteria. my fmaily is greatly impacted by some blodo disease streptecocus Please Lord Jeu sChirs tdleive rus and pelase brign heling to our lives. also pelase Lor dif oyu have have husband for me Lor di would liekt o be wiht him soon brign hIm helaign and the help he need sprepar eus fo reahcother.Lor let thie rbe hapiness in our lives. please and i praise the Lor dplease i do feel his presenc eeven now. pelas epray that i am fre fo depression and sadness dissapointment and btiternes forever an dos is my mom. may the Lord Jeus Chirs tbe magnified for He is our Lor dand Savior. may the lord belss oyu forpraiyng for my fmialy. pelas epray fo rmy dad he needs healign of his healrt valve osteoporsis dehydraiton issues high instbale insulin ciruclaiton and loniness slavaiton. Lord pelase dleiver my grandma form smal bowel obstruction syndrom and from all wekaness help her help me giv ehe ridapers protec tour fmialy and hoem form all evil.pelas ebelss all who pray for us. forever God tbless oyu. thank you for seekignt he Lor d for us