Humble Servant of All
Thank you Lord and those who ho pray for me that my mood is better. I realized that without my meds my emotions are too strong to control. I thank God that he has given the scientist of our era the knowledge and wisdom to create medicines that help our bodies/mind.This knowledge comes from God I believe for the benefit of all mankind not just believers. My mother in law i doing better in regards to her attitude. Her mind grows more feeble as the dementia progresses. I pray for her health no bea this time with her. Also, that may gain the assistance needed to get her the alt daycare. I hope it will beneficial for the social aspect and getting her accustomed to others attending to her needs. It will give a a reprieve from care taking which will help my mental health and needs to be able to go o the house. I pray for my husband, daughter, son in law, and al other family members for guidance from you and blessings that they seek you Lord. Help with our finances Lord you know how it has been For those things I sent back, let them be accepted and the monies restored. For my heal. i fear my end of life will have to more my heart and vascular condition. I pray for Chandra and Mitch and Im sorry i can’t ’ be the friend they need right now. I have no friends whether that is my fault for the way i am or other reasons that i cant control may you intervene with the right people for them. Help me to be different Lord. I don’t know how to be more different i don’t trust people they often hurt an disappoint me…change that expectation and remove the baggage Lord Jesus. Help my husband with his Aspergers as well…he is quite functional and most of the outside wouldn’t know but his family knows and feels it Lord. I pray for my clients they are going through many difficult situations. Lord help them Jesus and give me the wisdom and the words of life to revive them and motivate to move on and forward. Especially B he is so ills but his spirit ia bright help him find the right path Jesus to find the job and the for his life that needs. I pray for my sister that does all by herself strength wisdom resources to deal with my mother that is not easy, i know. Be with me this day. In Jesus name Amen.