Thank you Lord, all praises are yours... Yesterday we had an immediate need of cash to cover an unexpected expense, for the repair of our truck we are using for our newfound source of income to alleviate us from the financial crisis we're in...In that instant, I only thought of You, to call on You, to pray for help from You... And lo, my prayer was answered at once, a sister-in-law offered to lend me the amount we needed... Although it has to be paid soon, the important thing is, we have covered the amount presently needed... Father, I fervently pray for your continued intervention, for instilling love and understanding within the hearts of our creditors, all of them including those we still owe unpaid wages, so that we can buy more time until we can fully recovered from this dilemma... Also, Lord please touch the hearts of those whom we still have account collectibles from them to consider paying us... Thank You, Lord... In Jesus name, Amen...