Humble Servant of All
thank you keep me in prayer keep me in prayer keep my moms pray for Becky pray for healing pray for be braveplease pray for Vanessa at South Africa Missy Congo Sophie Florence is Italy pray for our family members who are struggling and wondering pray for Bob apes a diva beat realize that God is still on the throne and prayer changes thing great for his pockets to get full again just wanted to be full pray for JH the change will seek your face more the stop the anxiety the screaming hysteria pray for her to get real about her body mind and soul pray for her future husband he will be a strong man in Christ Jesus that will be loving and caring to her that she will not get too old she will not get frustrated every day for the same thing that Jesus told me that Jesus Christ died that he will seek your face pray for us more than a temple metaphysics and schedules and being on top of everything every minute of every day will not sequence his life better but show him that being busy at being wrapped up in at least having a job having a career will help them pray for him to pray for G pray for his love for Jesus still strong in Jesus pray for Jesus to her transactions under CC transactions will go through well and that she will receive retrieve something that needs to be here except back to get the credit for to pray for a company named tea that she will get they refund back for something that was not supposed to be bring in Jesus name for all things work together for good pray for victory in Jesus as we speak pray for the Lord heal our minds the arguments the bitterness the Bitcoin pray forgot to be shut down in Jesus name pray for Lord to give us peace and rest pray for God transexual closely well pray for Mr Aiden sin the funds did the ages of count and all things of work together so good and not take accounts to be covered with the blood of the shallow caliber pray for one that allow the school officials to get together and get through this virus pray for the Lord to restore us in the fall the little by little disgrace of God pray that months lost for work that the Lord will send those appropriate funds to those real qualified unemployed people like us people looking for work people work part-time and don't let enough money and pray for that fun to be a blessing through the grace of God through the grace of God and pray for those in the voting line will think about who's still on the throne pray for the Lord to not allow any more performed against us shall not prosper pray for the future of the more Hampton Union will be of victory in Jesus pray for victory today for G and tomorrow and the weekend pray for G to be able to get some help and transportation soon and not having to use the cap please to get things needed in the pharmacy to do the grace of God pray for victory in the Hampton home peace peace peace peace pray with you the Jeep appreciates your prayers God bless you all for any person the browns the pool the popes the pause the powers pray for these families pray for our neighbors until the new child and they will be able to blood of the Lamb prayers have tea with her new family soon in the near future have peace of mind and have a legacy to the grace of God pray for Jesus focus on your Lord victory today safe journey mercies for JH today to the grace of God and Jesus precious name amen and pray for a return form an item that it will be returned in Jesus name amen and amen