Thank you Jesus for another beautiful day of life and for providing me with your full armour of protection,I especially ASK THAT you raise me up so that I am not tormented by my vicious manager,today will be my first day of having been scheduled the same shift since my meeting with upper management and she is furious with me for disclosing her inappropriate dealings to include abuse of authority,please remove her from this position so that I am not made to endure this horrific situation,asking God to block all purposely demonic acts,keep me safe,to continue to order MY steps as I have stepped out on faith TRUSTING you LORD JESUS to light a fire under upper management to truly address and rectify the problems at hand to also include my low wages after seven years of employment,May the day move shortly so I may come safely home to resume my commune with you LORD JESUS,I pray throughout the day,but KNOW that I should continuously be in prayer without CEASING,so this is where I am asking assistance all prayer warriors and my prayer family for continued prayers,you are so appreciated and loved,I will never forget what this site has provided me,it's been my life line,GOD BLESS AND PROTECT YOU ONE AND ALL,BELOVED