Disciple of Prayer
[SIZE=16pt]Thank you precious Abba Holy Spirit Lead Us Thank you God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, thank you for creating today, thank you for creating this world, thank you for the power in your name, thank you for the sun, rain, the roof over my head, full belly for my family, and all of the good things you do and thank you so very much taking your mighty hands and grabbing me out of the darkness I've lived in. I believe in you and your name is powerful and I believe how much you love me and knew exactly where I was going to be when I truly knew you were calling me. I've grown up in church my entire life and now I know how powerful your words are and how they align up with our life. Thank you for loving me my dear Abba and thank you standing against the attacks of the enemy. I know I am strong father, but I know how much stronger I am speaking your wisdom and truth from your book. Thank You that your words have a purpose for which you intended them to have and thank you for allowing them to dwell in my secret place and my soul. Your truth is powerful and your name is almighty. I declare my marriage, my family out of the hands of Satan and all who do his work, father you have already won the victory. I claim victory into my marriage and I know your hand is exactly where it needs to be, holding the heart and mind of me and bringing that seed and watering it for my husband to hear the same message, "go back to your wife" thank you for the messenger you are perfectly preparing for my husband, myself and this other woman and opening our ears to hear what you are saying. Thank You that this will be all in your timing because your time is always perfect and you are never late. You are a good good father, continue to bless my babies, let your glory, grace and love shine through to their hearts and allow them not to feel abandoned bc of their earthy fathers choices bc of his waywardness, let my children know how good you are and they can come to you with anything in prayer and supplications and know you are God and you are always in control, let my husband come to with his hands raised asking for forgiveness, remove whatever is hindering his relationship with you first and allow your angels lead my husband out of sin, away from narcissistic thoughts and back home and out of the hands of evil. Let him hear your voice, so loud and clear and that he cannot mistake it, Lord Jesus quiet all other voices and let yours stand out in the name of Jesus and allow my husband to be filled with love from the Holy Spirit, and the need to come back home to be with what you witnessed and that this woman isn't the way, it's just more lies from the enemy, Lord break these chains in the name of Jesus break his pride, in the name of Jesus, break his idol of money and do whatever it takes to save my husbands salvation and reunite our marriage in the name of Jesus Christ all for your glory, i want to obey you and honor your words to let no man separate, let my marriage be a testimony to someone where they feel like their marriage is over and there is no going back, let me be the testimony for someone to be the standing still spouse and to keep it all in prayer for the glory of the Lords hands. Allow me to love my enemy's and all who say evil things about me, my husband and my children bless them father with your grace, have favor on them because they know not what they do. Allow me to grow even more through my trials, tribulations and storms with giving me the grace, forgiveness, love and strength you have already given me to see your glory and your power and allow your daughter to be the best wife, mother, daughter, friend, acquaintance and a true daughter of God I can be. Lord please comfort all in my life and let them see your glory shine through me, so they can drink the water of salvation and we can save more in your Almighty name Jesus Christ, You daughter is asking, claiming and declaring restoration, claiming my husband from this other woman and a protection of thornbushes around us to have my husband seek me first as his standing still wife (Hosea 2:6) and away from the enemy. Close the doors to the enemy and seal it shut, with the blood of Jesus poured over it. Change his heart to be more like yours and place the fire of your love to want to restore in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ favor in this situation because of Roman 8:28 all things will work together for our good because we love you and we are called according to our purpose. God turn What was meant for evil to be something good and be a blessing in the Fathers, Son and the Holy Spirit with the blood of Jesus poured all over it. Thank you for restoring our marriage. I ask all of this in the mighty name of our Jesus Christ. Amen[/SIZE]