Disciple of Prayer
Praise report: thank you Lordof rhelaign in my teeth! pelas ehal al wh have teeht and metbaolic issue cnacer diabetes uncruabel diseases. For with God al thigns re possibly. pelas ehal me of my sadness and nto feelign desire.d pelas eprovid em wit alovign husband perfect for me in the name o th Lord jesus Chirs tmy flsha ndboen and may he be well and helahty and strognint he Lord and doign HIs will always. pelas ehal my uncle urgently.doign abit better wiht my realitosnshipw ith my parent. Pleas rpray of rmy uncle who broke his spine and is gettign check up tommorw askignt he Lor dbe merciful and hela his him his autisma nd brain deveklopment and that they trea thim like a King God's adopted son alwys wherever h goes. aksign God to heal his momf o dmentia blood suagr related issues and heal he rof all sickness diseasea and illnes sma eiwht my moma nd da dbraother B all people. Béas and my dads heart valve. do allinyour power to provide ofr ewhat we need and to let us hav epeac ein our heart midn foccuse odn ser4ving God and brign helaign tomy brothers life. help us nto worry but casto ur car eof you Lor dofr oyu care of rus. giv eus wisdom and abundan tlife. pelas hela Vilikes brian spinal coluloiumn al his body heal the way he sswallow make dleive rhimf orm all demons and satnic opressiona nd same wiht my parnets all relatives and B my granmya bél and mysle fna dborhte ran dhis fmaiyl all relaitve s. pelasedlieve all of us form all eivla nd ela dusnot itno temptiton help em care ofrmy grandma hgiv ehope to thehopless anhealign to all blidn sick deaf autism asperger syndorm ancer diabetes diabetes insipidus all illnesses cancer tromosis. please help wth my hygiene issus and anxiety dleive rme momf orm aaxiety please and asperger synodmre. aksign ,miracle isn my life fmaily fo rb and dleive rlal himf orm alchaulism smokign anxiety asperger syndome if applicable form all satnic opresison hela him in every way. please le tme knwo what oyu wil is for myife. help me pelas hea my body form diabetes and root cause therof pelas take away depression and lonlienss sadnes form lmy lfie an dod the same fo rlalepoel. please hel pme be wiht my spouse the one you have for me and vice versa keep us freef ormt he lov eof money and form allevil. i pray htis fo rlalpoe. giv em wisdom in all rareas an do the sam efor allpeoel. giv emy dad helaign for his heart merry heart and same wiht my mom. peole dleive rus form allflehs eaitng bacteria. hela Bs teeht and take away desire for him to smke and alchhaulism and the driivng force therof take away. heal his lfie and may all peole have oyur salvaiton. pelas hela my boy. brig joy into our lives and giv emwisodm and joy today and alway is pray the same for allepole. help us pray an ocmmuciate forgiv emy sisn Lord and please do allinyur power to ive me and my fmaila nd my hubby a blesse dlogn helaht happy victorius through Chirs tlifedoign the WIll fo God always. dleive rus formt he devil and the tempter open our eye san dhear to truth and lead us int h way of everlasitng in all areas of our live. heal My brothers children if they need helaign heal Vi patrick. ipelad theHoly blood of Chirs tupon our hoem sposesison and dliver us alll form every evil. tkae away coorna virus take away all dirk szilénk phobia. hel pem Lord and please hela my body take away the devil's power ove rmy lfie an dmy fmialy and dleive rus ofrm allcurse witchcraft dmeonic influene na dopresison depresison bitterness pleas.e in the name of the lOrd jeus Chirs thank you!!!