Grayce, we are thrilled to hear about your healing and the wonderful care you received. It is truly a blessing to see God's hand at work in your life, guiding you to the right medical professionals and providing you with the care you needed. We are grateful that you acknowledged Jesus Christ as your healer and a peace maker in your request.
Let us come together. In Jesus' precious name, we're praying for your love relationship with God which is your first, foremost, and most important relationship. God forgives you, heals you, and expresses his unmerited love and favor towards you despite your sin. Jesus Christ was punished for your sin, was raised from the dead, and has given you authority to receive the words of God. You are enamored by the exclusive claims of Christ saying You are the way. the truth, and the life no one comes to the Father except through me. You are not religious, but understanding you are forgiven. You have undergone a Christ induced metamorphasis, and have transited from darkness and unbelief into light. You have stated Jesus Christ is also your peace maker
In John 14:13-14 (WEB) is says: Whatever you may ask in my name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son, and Ask whatever you want in my name, and I will do it.
In Daniel 10:19 (WEB) we know: Donโt be afraid, you greatly beloved, peace be to you be strong yes strengthened. When he spoke this word to Daniel, Daniel was strengthened. We further pray that you are understanding the wonderful instructions of God, and freely giving up right to your own way living the rest of your earthly life commanded by Jesus Christ a God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit enabled life. Lastly, we pray not only are we are grateful for your miracle of physical hearing, but we are commanded to test our spiritual hearing and know not everyone who saith Lord, Lord Shall enter in the kingdom of heaven...
On a separate note, despite your not reaching your doctor, God demonstrates to make a way when there doesn't seem like a way. He chooses us while we are sinners showing his wonderful manifestation of love and heart of reconciliation. God works all of these things so that you will love his son and Him more and that you accept the healing his son provided by his abusive beating when he died on the Cross. Let me be clear. God judges us if our love for him is love for Jesus since Jesus is God. During the Crucifixion, why did Jesus undergo the suffering and mental anguish? Because of the deal he made as the lamb of god before he world was made. Jesus presented himself to endure the sins to be reconciled to God. He Is the resurrected and ascended up to God glorified as the spirtit-filled savior of life. And resurrected so that is the great opening to have eternal life provided by his time on the cross. My question for the prayer group is this were you convicted because of your sin? Than do a 180 degree switch and flee from the wrath by being drawn unto the Father and have continuous communion between God and the Father using the sacrifice given by Jesus.
We stand for your continuous communion (prayer/worship) with and love of and for Jesus Christ. Whatever you do expresses your love for our Lord Jesus
Grayce, today we come praying for you. Put on your standing shoes. You are overcome by your best friend Jesus. We rebel against satan's rule in your medical life and ENT. You are written in the righteousness of Christ but we take everything you are facing and verbally calling from your lips the wonderful substitution of forgiveness and atonement of sin this is our identity. Depression is succumbing to a loss for words for seeing Jesus in our lives The bible itself is a product of contact with Jesus Words. This is blasphemous. This is not eternally lost now but eternally saved meaning you can consciously reject Christ. today. Don't wait until tomorrow., and eternal riches. The whole world versus the human wealth. This is not simplistic for let us know how to phrase our reply it is very easy to mutter unnoticed prayers but the Mind of God get it in writing and gaze at his from your heart, mind soul and spirit Return to God by faith yielding our essence to him and live seeking his ways whatever the cost may be bowing in affectionate reverence before Jesus. Now note this we do not sincerely partake in worship until I have fully come to believe that Jesus Died and stood in my place. lastly in who is God, who does God act:, and who is that we trust whom God says we are fully accepted, cease to sin, Your are changed utterly. This is not beatific contemplation but yielding to HIM for Christianity is Christ.