Beloved of All
Thank you for praying for me. My medical test results came back negative and I feel very grateful and relieved. I have one more issue I need prayer for which is an abnormality in my eye nerves which may result in tunnel vision. I have compromised peripheral vision because of this enlarged eye nerve issue. However, I have faith that God is watching over me and will heal me of this ailment. My eyes feel sensitive to light and tired much of the time. I also deal with tinnitus that causes constant high pitched ringing in my head.
Thank you for this site and the community of believers joining together in unison for the sake of betterment for all. It is a beautiful thing to join hearts and mind so our faith is strengthened. Please pray also for the many innocent children struggling and starving in war-torn Ukraine and Palestine. There is so much hatred in this world and needless loss of life.
Thank you for this site and the community of believers joining together in unison for the sake of betterment for all. It is a beautiful thing to join hearts and mind so our faith is strengthened. Please pray also for the many innocent children struggling and starving in war-torn Ukraine and Palestine. There is so much hatred in this world and needless loss of life.