Humble Servant of All
I really made a fool of myself today. And I really burnt a lot of important bridges. I think. I don't know if I am sorry for what I have done or if I am sorry that the consequences for my daughter might be bad. Please, help me, Jesus. Help me get out of being so triggered by my traumas I either can't regulate myself or my emotions or dissociate completely. Please, help me. Please, save me. Please, do not let me ruin my daughter's possibilities. Please, do not let my bad behavior overshadow my daughter's needs. Help me fight in the right manner. In a manner of which I can be proud and my daughter can be proud. Pray that my daughter doesn't get bullied. Pray that she doesn't get shamed into being conform and changing who she is. Make her safe enough to talk and fight back without being evil. Save her. Please mend my heart. Make me believe in good again. Cause it can't seem to believe that there are good people left. Feel like I finally shattered and that there is nothing left in me believing in good anymore. I can't teach my daughter that. Help me help her. Amen