Disciple of Prayer
Thank you aba father loving Jesus holy spirit mother Mary for all ur abundance gracious blessings upon me n my family. Thank you for being the head of our family. Thank you for all ur graciour abundace blessings. Father thank you for all ur love n blessings. Father thank you leading guideing us. Thank you for being our provider our protector our saviour our help our love n blessings. . Father i present my family on to ur feet, help us to live a spiritual family life to do ur holy will every breath of our lives. Father help us bless us guide us to do ur will. Father bless our children with the best do ur holy, help my son to do his exams with concentration with ur presence on every word he writes. Father bless him lead him thru the holy spirit that every answer he writes will be with ur help. Father bless my husband with ur presence that every work of his hands be prosperous fruiftful n successful. Father bless me at my work place with success. Help us to live a spiritual concious family life every moments of our life. Thank you Jesus praise u Jesus love u Jesus.