Disciple of Prayer
Thank u father for all ur goodness in my life and that of my loved ones
1_ loved perfect my daughter and remove every spirit of developmental delay
2,lord transform I and my daughter to model beauty,and give us retentive memory
3Your word says I and my children shall be for signs and wonders,let it be so with us forever
4 lord in this remaining day of d year and beyond build ur wall of fire over me and all that concerns me
5 God pls don't let d enemies get at me and any of my household
6 lord let d spirit of death,be far from me and household
7lord every journey I and my loved ones shall embarked on shall be accident free and kidnappers free
8 lord pls make me that woman you suddenly remembered for good, bless me with long life, good health,riches
9 father lord remove parmenately rising and falling,promise and fail, stagnancy,shame disgrace out of my life now and forever more
10 make my children the best, academically let the exile
11 lord let no power cut my life , children and my loved ones life short
12God of completion , complete this building for us,and let no woman,take my space here or in d life of my husband
13 lord deliver me , children husband my sister and her children, from every accesral and family causes
14 lord grant me all my heart desires and d grace to be be a helper to so many
15 lord anywhere they gather against me and my children or against my unity with my sister Aretha in any coven ,altar river set confusion and let them end in shame
Thank u lord for answers to my prayers Amen