Servant of All
Thank the Lord for this beautiful day. My prayer request is for my loving husband and our son. Both are named William. I pray my husband be the man God called him to be, honoring God with his life, pleasing the Lord and not his flesh. That he be the husband that God requires of him. I pray that my husband desire to come home and leave Tiftonia and Brainerd area to be with us his family from this day forward as I pray for him, love on him, and be his help meet just as God called for me to do. I pray for our son that he follow Jesus as my husband is the example of Christ, that my son walk in godly ways and not give in to the flesh. Our big move into the new house is on tomorrow Godwilling. I am so thankful. I placed pictures of us in the house before they enter and when my husband sees it that he feel the love and presence of God in here and know this is where God would have him to be back with his family walking in the life of Jesus Christ as a family. I pray my husband don’t doubt our marriage eventhough in ignorance I got a divorce but by Faith trusting God our marriage and family be restored and made whole again. Showing compassion forgiving one another praying for one another being kind towards eachother. Talking things out resolving our concerns and do it in love. That are words are sweet as a honeycomb uplifting the soul. Please keep us in you alls prayers. God hears y’all