Beloved of All
thank oyu Lord for healing my jaws and teeth. pelase regrow broken chipped acid eated dentla flehs pelase Lord and pelase dlieve rem form all evil frm all type 1 diabetes diabetes insipidus and pelas ehal my moms abck her heart delive rher form enandge rbtiterness. pelse send osmeoen to ebfriend ehr pelas eother than me i beg oyu Lord. pelas ehal her of aspergers syndorm fi you are willign. Please dleiver my fmaiyl form apoverty delayed marriage strange marriages. pelas Lor dod aoll in your power to unite me and my usbadn the man i was made for boen of my boen flehs of my flehs in YOur Holy matrimony by your power Lord Jesus Christ. pelase pelase heal a lthe cisk. heal the girlw ho was in accident. pelase dont let their be any need for amputaitonfor ehr or anymor
EAS Ei ebgy ou hela my moms brian heal her back heal everyhitng. pelase help me concentrate. pelase sned mroe peopel itno my mosm life toher than me i ebg oyu do al iny our power to send my mom friedn formt he Lord please pwho care. im realy tired pelas ehelp em to be her helper. pelase help Lro dim so driaend and tire help me. . PEAS Ei ebg oyu hve merc yon ym sisn. im s oweary Lor dhave emrcy. pelase send soemoen t heplp my momLord Jeus CHirs tpLeas eHElp my mom i beg oyu pelas ehlp my mom dleiver her form all eunclena spirits. pelase dleiver her formal unclean spirits frm asperger syndrom. hela her bakc for oyur glroy and by your power Lord jeus Chirst you are Lord and Savior of my mother you care fo rher pelase care fo rher in ver powerf ulw ay toda ypelas ehal her in your name by your power for oyur glroy otuch her where she is in pain touch everyhtign otu of alignemnt pela ehal her Lord jesu Christ and pelas ehal my grandma my dad mybrother Vilike myself of Bé Gá B and hgid famy friends, my husbadnform God, wehoever He is pleas eal him too.. and his fmaiyl in ever ypossibel way by your stripes we ar ehaled Lord jeus Chirs tplease dleive rusf rm all evil from all potentially dnagerous or harful thoguhts feelign actions motives. dleive rus from everyhtign that could possibly destro yus mayk allpeopelw isd. help us al to depart form evil. dleiver me form all coventousness and pleas ehelp me be fiaht fult o oyu in my hear my words actiosn thoguths. Lor dim weary.. pelase come ot me in powefrul way. i need oyu to refresh em my mothe rmy grandma B my dad my brother his wife and chidl. pelase provide us the best of the best tha tis in your will. Pleas eprovide of rme the best of the best tha ti sin your wil husband form oyou Lord. teahc hImal lthigns and may he always obey you. pleas ejoin us in hoyl matirimoyn today if you are willign Lord. protect himf orm evil. keep him faith ful t e and may he be thehuband HGGods calsl him to eb and may i be the wfie the lord calls me tobe.. help me to do your Wil day and always. pelase protect my mom form allll evil spirit. help her to calm down pelase pelas emake her stop always yelign at me. let thie rbe peac einthsi hoome exhauste.d pelase help int his are. pelas ie beg oyu. l..Lor dim so overowrked .pelas el tme hav esoem mroe res tmore joy in my life. pela sief oyu have godly husbadnfor me send him into my lfie i sdotn want o eb single anymor eLord Jeus Chirs ti beg you. pelas my mom hela her form truama pelas ehal me from trauam relate dot fmaily. pelase set my grandma free form dmentia pelase dleive rher form high blod siugar high blod suagr dleive rher form small bowle obstruciotn syndorm.pelas epelase provid ebest ever earpugs fo rme pelas eGod. also please if :: is not my husband make it clear. i Lor dpelas eodnt udnerstand YOur ways, all i knwo is that my livign circumstances are really hard.pelas Lor dif there is anyhtign oyu can do to make my life easier haper better for me and my fmialy pelase do so. i prais eYou adn thanky ouf ofr this day oyu hav emad for us. pelas protec tlal my fmialy form evil pelase Lord protec tus form illness everythignt hat coudl possibly defiel us and pelase dleive rus form all demosn legiosn of deons. pelas edo all iny oru power to deliver us form all curse sgenrational curses from all demosn. im sorryplease hav ewmerc yon my sins my fmialy sisn s and also all nations sins. pelase dlieve r m from cosntantl yattakcign me pela sie beg oyu.pelase pelase stop her opposisiotn please sned an older chrisitna lady to teackh her the way of the Lor dor older Chirsitna man.s end trilin of holy angels to minister to my fmaily the ways of the Lord. Lord giv eus wisdom. PEASE DOtn elad me into temptation i ebg oyu . you kwn the areas wher ei am wek. dleive rme form all temptaiton. pelase help my min every wa ybles sher. pelas emake livign wiht her more easier pelas eGod.