Let us never ever forget to speak to your heavenly Father in the car, in the bus, on the train or the airplane. Wherever you are, speak to your loving and kind heavenly Father who loves you and cares for you. He already knows the the desires of your heart and wants to bless your life as you continue to speak to Him.
Speak o Lord.
As we come to You.
To receive the food,
Of Your holy word.
Take Your truth.
Plant it deep in our heart.
Shape and fashion us.
In Your likenes o Lord.
And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times. Samuel, Samuel He said.... Then Samuel answered. Speak for Thy servant heareth.
I Sam. 3.7
Speak constantly to Jesus, let Him hear from you, what is in your heart. He wants to bless your life and help you in every way possible. Be faith, we believe He is in our side listening and waiting to bless, help and guide our steps towards His glorious presence.
Speak o Lord.
As we come to You.
To receive the food,
Of Your holy word.
Take Your truth.
Plant it deep in our heart.
Shape and fashion us.
In Your likenes o Lord.
And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times. Samuel, Samuel He said.... Then Samuel answered. Speak for Thy servant heareth.
I Sam. 3.7
Speak constantly to Jesus, let Him hear from you, what is in your heart. He wants to bless your life and help you in every way possible. Be faith, we believe He is in our side listening and waiting to bless, help and guide our steps towards His glorious presence.