Oh how sweet is Thy holy presence in our hearts.
When we are down and out of strenght,
Your holy presence lift us up.
Thy Holy Spirit renew our soul.
A light has come to lead us.
Down in adoration we come,
In Thy holy presence,
There is fullness of joy,
Pleasures from everlasting to everlasting.
To the everlastin Father, and Son and Holy Spirit,
Be all honor, all praise and all glory,
Now and forever more.
When we are down and out of strenght,
Your holy presence lift us up.
Thy Holy Spirit renew our soul.
A light has come to lead us.
Down in adoration we come,
In Thy holy presence,
There is fullness of joy,
Pleasures from everlasting to everlasting.
To the everlastin Father, and Son and Holy Spirit,
Be all honor, all praise and all glory,
Now and forever more.