When you go through Storms in your life, or when a loved one is going through Storms, if you are not keeping your focus on the Lord, you will not see His goodness. The Lord never said that you will have things easy in life when you became a Christian, He said he will be there for you, He will direct your paths, He will not forsake you, sometimes we are so focused on our circumstances that we forget the goodness of God. We forget How he has taken us out of so many trials and tribulations, Sometimes we go through some horrible unbelievable things, and we think we cannot make it through, but you can if you remember who Your Father is, If You remember you are a child of the King, and that He has good plan for your life, one to prosper you and not to harm you, and no matter what is going on, it will be alright in the end. Look at the big picture, forgive those who have wronged you quickly so there is no bitter root to grow, get fellowship, get to reading your bible, get to a good bible taught church, and get right with the Lord, and let Him heal you, your situation and your relationships, let the Holy Spirit guide you in what you should do, fill your mind with good things, fill your heart with the Love of Christ, let the Lord help you overcome the Storms of Life, don't let yourself drown in despair, doubt and anger. Don't give up your Joy, Hope, Love of God in Your heart, Take everything to God, He is worthy to be Praised, He loves You, He loves You so much, His Son died on the Cross for you!!!!God Bless You!!!