Prayer Warrior
Margo has brain damage since June 2020.We lift up the life of Margo to You, JESUS we thank You that she, like all of us, is being held by You. Father, You know Margo, and You know exactly where she is right now, and we ask that Your presence would come into that room. Jesus, we know that You perform miracles, and that You died for the sins of the world, and shed Your blood for the healing and restoration of anyone who calls upon Your name. We call upon Your name now, Jesus, and we ask that You heal Margo. We ask for supernatural healing and restoration over her body, mind, nervous system, intestines, and brain. We ask for You to touch the hands of the doctors, nurses, therapists, and techs that are working with her; that you would give them wisdom and supernatural care. I pray for there to be a miracle in the life of Margo, and that as a testimony of Your goodness and greatness, she would be healed. I thank You that You hear us. I thank You, Holy Spirit, that even now You are with her!!