This wonderful people of God are responsible for leading Gods word to children, young people and adults, learning deeply what is the will of the Father for all of us. Let us all show our appreciation for what they do. Providing spiritual guidance, personally directing all of them to the knowledge of how to get save and walk in the light as Jesus taught us to walk.
There is a time and place
Where Gods word is shared.
In special way.
We are eager to learn.
What God has to say.
To our hearts and minds.
Lessons are studied.
Schriptures are read.
Woncerful things are explained.
The eternal word of God.
Is touching our hearts.
Putting all into perspective of our home eternal is in heaven above, just as Jesus has promised. I am going to prepare a place for you. All Sunday School teachers prepare themselves to share the good news of living on earth with our eyes on the future. Our living eternally in heaven with the Lord.
There is a time and place
Where Gods word is shared.
In special way.
We are eager to learn.
What God has to say.
To our hearts and minds.
Lessons are studied.
Schriptures are read.
Woncerful things are explained.
The eternal word of God.
Is touching our hearts.
Putting all into perspective of our home eternal is in heaven above, just as Jesus has promised. I am going to prepare a place for you. All Sunday School teachers prepare themselves to share the good news of living on earth with our eyes on the future. Our living eternally in heaven with the Lord.