I have asked God to honor your prayer request in Jesus’ name.
May Jehovah our God through His Son Jesus Christ bless you & all those you love and care about abundantly, exceedingly above all you have ever asked, thought, dreamed, or prayed. May God keep you; make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May He lift up His countenance upon you and give you great peace. Have Faith in God. God Loves You. Trust Him. God is in control. Everything is going to be alright! Be Encouraged.
Encourager Linda Flagg, LM, CS
Christian Life Coach & Youth Minister
****If You Absolutely, Positively, Undeniably, No Doubt About It, Want to Be Blessed Today, Tomorrow, & For the Rest of Your Life…Just Obey God’s Word! Let Your Lifestyle be Shaped by the Word of God. God Honors Obedience, You have God’s Word on It.