marlee g
Disciple of Prayer
I’m not too sure how to start this, I’m not the greatest author so hopefully I can get all I need to out in a way that makes sense. My pawpaw was the preacher of a small baptist church where I grew up. Everyone in my family either worked or volunteered for a church. When I was young growing up around people who followed Christ influenced me to do the same. As I got older, I started going to a bigger church with a bigger youth group thinking I would make good connections with good people. Instead they bullied me and spread rumors and made sure it was hard for me to make friends. I started feeling like me being Christian was never my choice and that I was forced into it, so the second my friend got her license we started skipping church to hang out at the lake. Partially because of my feelings about how I was “forced” into a religion that seemed like it was a bunch of people who worshipped God at church and bullied or treated me bad inside and outside of the church walls. Eventually it got to the point where I could barely stand listening to sermons or prayers or Christian music. I wanted to be able to have faith but I couldn’t make myself do something that never seemed like it was beneficial. Here it is 5 years later, now that I am making the choice on my own I feel as though it’s sometimes only for personal gain and answered prayers. There was a boy that I had loved since 7th grade, we talked on and off romantically through high school but he always ended up finding someone better or prettier. At the beginning of 2022 he came back from west Texas where he was working to see his mom, somehow we ended up hanging out and getting close like we used to be very quickly. We started dating shortly after and at the time I was suffering from extreme depression and anxiety that I tried curing with substance abuse. I hated living with my parents in a shed, and I knew the only way for me to get better was to get out. He asked me to move in with him a few months into the relationship so I packed my things and left. It hurt my dad a lot, me and my dad never had a good relationship. I remember the night I left he told me God would never bless a relationship that wasn’t following the rules in the Bible. Hate to admit it but he was not wrong. It started out with a lot of arguments a couple weeks after I moved 6 hours away from home to be with a man who I thought was perfect. Eventually it turned into name calling and other things that caused me a lot of trauma. I stayed a year and a half through it all because I loved him and I knew he could do better and be better. He never did, he cheated and lied, eventually pushed me down the stairs and into the floor when I caught him cheating. He pulled a knife on me and I guess we were yelling so loud the neighbors called the cops. He never hit me, and honestly I don’t think he even was trying to hurt me. He was drinking a lot and gets angry and doesn’t know what he’s doing when he’s drunk. They took him to jail that night and the next day I went and got a Bible thinking it would bring me some peace, for a time it did. I was listening to sermons to get me through it, I started praying God would heal him and help him be better so he could come back to me and we could try again because I can’t give up on someone I love. For 2 months I cried and begged that God would bring him back and heal us and help us grow together and separately in the Lord. Then one night while I was out dancing with my friends at a bar, I saw him looking at me across the room, and it just so happened to be the day after the protective order was no longer in effect. We started talking and attempted at working things out so I stopped praying. He cheated again with my friend and we split. So I started praying he would come back, and time and time again he came back but the same thing happened. I hate that it took all of that for me to grow closer to God. We recently started working on being together again and it was going so good until last Friday. He went to the coast with two of his guy friends and one of their girlfriends came and took a picture with my boyfriend and posted it so I automatically assumed he was cheating and got mad. Apparently there was nothing going on with them, but my friend who’s cousins with the two guys ended up going out there to the beach too. I was venting to her about how I felt and she was giving me advice, but I guess she saw it as an opportunity to sleep with my boyfriend. He hid it from me all weekend, and when he came home Sunday he was acting off. I had been feeling anxious so I started praying again for peace, but today she posted a picture of her in the bed we slept in together for 2 years. I don’t know if this is just the devil trying to get between me and God, trying to make me think it’s not worth the prayers and the time spent with him, or if possibly it’s the devil trying to come between me and my now ex by shoving temptations in his face that he succumbed to in the past. I’m so hurt right now, but for some reason I keep feeling like this isn’t the end of me and him. Maybe that with God’s help and guidance we can both grow together and separately in the Lord, and if it’s God’s plan and we get back together this time leave space for God and try and do it right this time. I feel crazy sometimes knowing the things that happened in the past with him, and still praying for him all the time hoping eventually everything will work out with us. I know God has a plan, but I can’t help but beg him to bring this man back to me. He had been doing so much better about his anger and the way he speaks to me, he had been so sweet and caring, and then he was tempted in an area he’s weak in. I know everything will happen the way God wants it to, but I’m struggling so bad trying to trust him to get me through it. I got fired from my job 3 weeks ago, lost my house on the 1st of this month because I couldn’t make rent, and now I’m losing the man I want to grow in Christ with and spend the rest of my life with. I’m so lost, and hurt, and angry, I keep praying for peace and guidance for the both of us but I’m terrified it will never come. I pray that God will help him be the man I know he can be, but I’m so scared that he’s going to stay with my friend, that my prayers that I’ve been praying for him for so long won’t be answered. I can’t shake the feeling that he is the one for me, I can’t read the signs God’s showing me because what if it’s the devil tempting him and God trying to show him he’s supposed to follow him and eventually spend his life with me when the time is right, or what if I’m just not seeing them and choosing to continue to hold out for something that will never happen no matter how much I cry, and scream, and pray that it will. I don’t know what else to do anymore, I feel as though I have nothing and that I am nothing, I want to be closer to God because at least I’ll always have him but it’s so hard when I feel like maybe I’m only wanting to do that because he may bring the man I love back. I don’t know how to grow closer to God when I feel so lost, and so tired of everything. I feel like my entire teenage and early 20s I spent denying him and pushing him away, maybe I’m not worth his time anymore. All I know is that I pray for a closer relationship with God for both me and my ex and hopefully maybe one day we can have a relationship that is blessed by God. I’m so scared that it won’t happen though and I hate not having answers. I want to fully lean on the Lord so bad because I have nothing else, but I don’t know how to fully let go and give it all to him. It scares me not knowing the path I’m on and where it’s going to take me, not knowing if me and this man will ever have a blessed relationship full of love and kindness and happiness and joy. I feel like all I’ve ever wanted was to feel loved, to feel cherished, to be cared for, to care for someone, to love someone. I’m on my way back down to rock bottom after clawing my way back up and I feel so defeated, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get back up once I hit the bottom again.