Beloved of All
I just want to be strong in the Lord and not give up on Him because of situations in my life. I never felt so heavy like this, I need a strong relationship with God. Not just going to church, praying, reading the word and serving. I need more than that, I want my life to be built on Him, I want to have His heart, His love. I'm saying this because I feel stagnant in my relationship with Him. I'm on a fast, and during the weekdays I told myself I will break at 6pm then weekend 3pm. But today I found myself breaking at 3pm and I was distracted. And I decided to break the fast. I have realized I struggle with self-control and getting distracted easily and being affected by my distraction, for my walk with God to be strong as He is my Vine I need to stop with giving in and being controlled by my flesh. Please pray for me. I want my heart to be with things above not earthly anymore. I'm young and I tend to fix my eyes on me but God. I need help, I really need to leave for God. Because if I can't why am I still living what am I doing. My spirit is longing for God, please pray for me, I need God. So his name can be lifted high all over the world because I said yes, like Isaiah when God was searching for someone.