My friend Phillip is 28 years old and has been in a coma for the past 2 weeks.. He unfortunately made repeated mistakes that put him in this condition but I feel there truly is hope with prayer and faith.. Phil is a great guy with a good heart and the desire to do right, he just needs the guidance and right kind of friends around him.. The doctors are telling his sister she should take him off life support that there isnt much hope but he has some brain activity and has responded to the voices hes heard but with anger. His sister is getting some more opinions before making the decision but she is begining to accept the idea of letting him go in peace.. I havent known him for that long, but really and truly feel I met him around the time I did for a reason.. I want to bring words of encouragement when I go to see him in hopes that he can hear me.. I know our God is a God of miracles and of mercy so I ask that you all pray for Phil to be given another chance.. I feel that if it was meant to be over for him than they wouldnt have found him with a beating heart.. I think God is just trying to speak to him and show him that the life he was living isnt the one He wants for Phil and its a very rude awakening but a lot of times we dont listen when God gently tells us, sometimes we need that good shaking... Please pray that Phil's sister doesnt give up hope so soon and that the doctors coming in for the second and 3rd opinion has more hope to give than the first.. Please pray that Phil is in peace right now and that his body works to come out of this state that hes in and that if and when that happens he has a whole new perspective on life and his purpose...Phil hasnt had a lot of people in his life that encourage him and wont give up on him, so I feel like maybe I was put in his life to show him that no everyone gives up on one, even when they choose the wrong path.. Also pray that when I am able to see him, that even if he has shows no signs of it, that he hears me.. that he hears what I have to say and I pray that God speaks through me that day.. I know that with Christ all things are possible, allow my actions and words help bring some hope and faith to him and his family for they are all in need of it right now... When I do go and visit, I would like to be able to read the prayers that u all prayed for him outloud to him,in hopes that he can hear but in knowing that God hears so please if you pray for Phillip, type it in so that I can print it out.. Thank you for taking the time to read this and to pray for him..