Beloved of All
Just today, a father and stepmother have been jailed for ### years and ### years for the murder of the father's daughter. (###) I know it is dreadful of me to say this, but I feel sure that Our Lord God would be well thanked if He would remove the damage from my brain and body and place it in the bodies of those who would willingly take the life of an innocent child. I shall be praying that God does do this for me. I am suffering dreadfully, and people such as they, although they will face judgement eventually, are allowed to live in this world in good health. They will likely never be ill as all their meals will be cooked for them and they will have access to the very best of gym equipment. Sometimes it feels as though the wrong people are being punished in this world. Please pray in the name of Jesus that Our Lord will remove this dreadful illness from me. I cannot eat because of the fear and dread, I barely drink for the same reason, How much longer do I have to suffer in this way? Please Lord God, there is no way for man to regenerate my brain cells which were destroyed by the haemorrhage and no way for man to transport me back through time to before my illness when I could, by intense exercise and diet, prevent the illness ever happening. Our Lord God, I know that Thou has planned my life from before I was born, You are the Almighty God, who created time, so can control it if it is Your will, please show mercy to me and help me to prevent this dreadful sickness. It is impossible for mortal man to travel back with me to stop my illness, it is also impossible for mortal man to cure my illness. My husband is still praying that Thou will grant him the gift of saving me by placing my illness into him, leaving me in good health. Please Lord, I cannot take much more of this illness. Please help me. Millions of mortals have doubtless begged Thee for the miracle of time travel Lord, and I am just one more. I am no more and no less deserving of Thy help, but I can give You my assurance that I will never stop worshipping or thanking Thee if Thou will help me to live on in this world. Please Lord, Thou does know about my struggles with weight and hypertension, and thou does know that I now understand the relationship between weight and blood pressure which my physician did not make clear to me when she placed me into danger with no care or compassion toward me. Please Lord, now that I understand, please give me just one more chance to try again. I am but as a grain of sand in a vast desert, Lord, but I am Thy grain of sand. Please my God, please, if it is Thy will, do for me as Thou did for King Hezekiah and for Jashar. Please my God, it would be so wonderful to share my life, thoughts and dreams with Thee without this dreadful illness taking over every thought of mine. Please Lord, cause the researchers looking to completely cure stroke after many, many years of pain and suffering for victims, survivors and their families find the cure they are searching for before this day ends, and that it will be a fast, simple and affordable cure which can be delivered quickly and effectively to all those who need it. Please Lord, please help and heal me.