Disciple of Prayer
I posted earlier this month about not caring about my diabetes. I still don't care. I am now having digestive problems. I don't know if it is because my diabetes in not in control or what. Every time I eat, I get nauseated and vomit. When I don't vomit, I have a burning pain from my stomach through the rest of my digestive system. I am also having body cramps. So, right now I am not eating very much and I have no energy. I plan on going to the ER Friday night after work. Sometimes the pain is very hard to take. But my blood sugars have come down to the 100's with me not being able to eat. I am very fatigued! Please pray that I can last until Friday to get checked and that when I go to the ER they find what is going on with my digestive system. Thanks for your prayers. And, so you know, I don't have relationship with God anymore. We used to be close. But I walked away. I know that He is there, I just don't talk to Him anymore.