I need some prayer warriors who are strong in the faith. Who are intercessors to keep me in prayer. I'm going through such a hard time right now. I'm dealing with many different health problems. And I just feel like I'm in a hole that I can't dig myself out of. Having faith is an extreme struggle for me right now but I'm trying. I've been going through so much since I was a little girl it just seems like I get out of one battle just to find myself in another. I don't understand why I have to go through such hardship. All I wanted was the simple things in life you know. It just feels like every little thing that I want in life I have to fight for it. Life is so unfair right now. And these health problems and the things that I'm going through outside of health problems is taking a toll on my mental health. I just feel like giving up because I feel like what's the point in going on? What am I getting out of this hell I'm going through? I feel so alone in this. I'm trying to understand what wrong have I done in life where I deserve this nightmare? I'm not trying to throw a pity party I'm just sharing my feelings I'm in a very broken space right now. So if you're willing to pray for me I would appreciate it. And I'm talking about true prayer warriors not people who claim to pray who really didn't. There's a reason why I didn't go through details of what I'm going through because people with discernment and who really is in the faith and know how to pray will know what to pray on because God will show you what I'm going through. So with that I say thank you and God bless.