In heaven above choir of angels along with the saints and all elders raise their voices to Jesus. Praising and adoring Him day and night. All Christians should do the samething. Each and every day sing unto the Lord a new song. Remember, God has created us to be instruments with the ability to sing and make music that honors and glorifies His holy name. Music should be an important part of our own life. Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord. Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95.1 Let us all obey what Gods word is telling us today. The, you shall find out that heavenly music will do this for you and for me.....
a. Satan will flee from us because he hates to hear heavenly music that praises the Lord.
b. Depression shall depart from your soul.
c. Sadness and pain will not come you while you sing songs of praise to God.
d. All worry and fear will be no more because Jesus has taken everything the devil brought to your mind.
Start your day singing praises to Jesus. He will bless your life and the peace that passeth all understanding shall fill your heart with joy.
a. Satan will flee from us because he hates to hear heavenly music that praises the Lord.
b. Depression shall depart from your soul.
c. Sadness and pain will not come you while you sing songs of praise to God.
d. All worry and fear will be no more because Jesus has taken everything the devil brought to your mind.
Start your day singing praises to Jesus. He will bless your life and the peace that passeth all understanding shall fill your heart with joy.