Beloved of All
break the ungodly union soul tie with her and Luis. Release the fire of God to burn out all unclean lust from their life with Luis. I command all spirits of witchcraft that work with Lust with her and Luis to leave in the name of Jesus.Deliver her from from evil with Luis(Matt.6:13) the roots of wickedness be as rottenness in their Ungody soul tie and union in the name of Jesus. Break the power of sin and inquity in their lives through the blood of Jesus(Heb10:17) Heb4:12 For the word of God is QUICK, living and powerful, sharper then any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with your Fire for her and Luis (Gen.19:24)Purify her life with your fire(Mal.3:2) Release the spirit of burning to burn up the works of darkness (Ps140:10) rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction,intimidation,idolatry,and whoredom connected to Jezebel. I loose the hounds of heaven against Jezebel( 1 kings21:23) I speak into exsistence 100 fold right now I bind Luis and Stacey and their ungodly union soul tie and anyone else Luis has in his life not in your will to all this word in their hearts, desires, attractions, emotions, feelings, thoughts to the will of Jehovah NISSI all the way into the physical Gods word is QUICK bring down your fire now in Jesus Name Amen please bless who prays this Amen