
Disciple of Prayer
St. Luke 18:1-8 (12-14) St. Matthew 2:18 St. Mark 9:24 St. Luke 2:14 & 4:24-27 & 5:12-14 & 15:23 Dear Ekklesia, Help me! I’m so vexed & my soul is tired of being tortured from city to city St.Matthew 23:34. Also, tonight Kundalini Shakti Shiva Kali Serpent was installed in my sleep: I’m being tortured by Sodom&Gomorrah in the nocturnal hours (speak Judges 19-21 into my realm and its borders) as a Council of Ecclesia. Intercede, for I’m at the point of death & breathing my last (Psalm 68:17-35). The warlocks & witches doing this for $$$ are founded on the Qabbalah & Islam (Please separate me from both, the principality, as well as religion: The watchtower & Tract Society & all its affiliates & alternate names). Save my wealth & health & plead for my exodus to the wilderness with my household (Revelation 12:5,6,14,16) with all the gold of Egypt (Exodus 12:35-40). I desire peace more than anything else. I do not serve the principality of Egypt anymore, & I’m tired of running 13years. I can’t even eat, because of this spiritual violence. Ask the Lord El Adonai Hashem to break the arm & teeth of my torturers & give them over to their own lusts (Proverbs 7:27). Ask Him to reduce them to a crust of bread by a harlot (Proverbs 6:26) & release me to my destiny & marriage. Also, ask that he may kill all the firstborn of Egypt, both man&beast, that they may be convicted to release Hashem’s prisoners & captives (Exodus 11:4-8; 12:6-12,29,30). By Jeremiah 17:14 & St.Mark 8:23-26, save my soundness, agility & sight. Ask Hashem to send an ArchAngel as He did Tobias, Raphael to Heal Him & Restore His sight, Ameena. Yirmeyah 17:14 Heal me, Hashem, and I shall be healed; hoshi’eini (save me), and I shall be saved; for Thou art my tehillah (praise). St.Markos 8:23-26 23 And having grasped the hand of the ivver, he took him outside the shtetl; and, having put spittle on his eyes, [and] having laid hands upon him, he was questioning him, Do you see anything?24 And after looking up, the ivver was saying, I see bnei Adam‖they look like trees walking!25 Then again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach placed his hands upon his eyes; and the man looked intently and was restored, and was seeing everything clearly.26 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sent the man to his bais, saying, Do not even enter the shtetl. Shemot 13:13 And every firstling of a he-donkey thou shalt redeem with a seh; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break its neck; and kol bechor adam among thy banim shalt thou redeem. Marrying a Captive Woman Devarim 21:10-13 10 When thou goest forth to milchamah against thine enemies, and Hashem Eloheicha hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,11 And seest among the captives an eshet yefat to’ar (a woman who is beautiful of form), and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to be thy wife;12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine bais, and she shall shave her rosh, and trim her nails;13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine bais, and mourn her av and her em a full month; and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her ba’al, and she shall be thy isha. Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:9-10 9 And Yabetz was more honorable than his brethren; and immo (his mother) called shmo Yabetz, saying, Because I bore him beotzev (with sorrow). 10 And Yabetz called on Elohei Yisroel, saying, O that Thou wouldest put a barucha on me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that Thine yad might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from ra’ah, that it may not grieve me! And Elohim granted him that which he requested. Tehillim 31:23 O love Hashem, all ye His Chasidim; for Hashem preserveth the emunim (the faithful ones), but He pays back in full the oseh ga’avah (the one acting in pride, haughtily). Kehillah in Thessalonika I 4:11 And have as your ambition to lead a quiet life of shalom bayis, and to mind your own business, and to have a parnasah, working with your own hands, according to the mitzvot (commandments) we gave you. Shemot 14:14 Hashem shall fight for you, and ye shall keep still. Mishle 24:17_Gloat not when thine oyev falleth, and let not thine lev rejoice when he stumbleth, Shemot 23:25-31 25 And ye shall serve Hashem Eloheichem, and He shall bless thy lechem, and thy mayim; and I will take machalah (sickness) away from the midst of thee.26 There shall nothing miscarry their young, nor be barren, in thy land; the mispar (number) of thy yamim I will fulfill.27 I will send My ehmah (terror) ahead of thee, and will throw into confusion all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.28 And I will send the tzirah (hornet) ahead of thee, which shall drive out the Chivi, the Kena’ani, and the Chitti, from before thee.29 I will not drive them out from before thee in shanah echat; lest ha’aretz become desolate, and the beast of the sadeh multiply against thee.30 Me’at me’at (little by little) I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit ha’aretz.31 And I will establish thy borders from the Yam Suf even unto the Yam Pelishtim, and from the Midbar unto the [Euphrates] River: for I will deliver the inhabitants of ha’aretz into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before thee. Mishle 16:7_When drakhei ish please Hashem, He maketh even his oyevim to be in shalom with him. “”Prayer for Enemies to Leave Me Alone In your name Jesus Christ, I rejoice because you will always have the victory. Thank you God for your son’s blood that defeated every power of darkness on this earth. Hallelujah! All authority on earth belongs to you O’ God. Have your way. You are the author and finisher of this difficult situation and I trust you Abba. You will make all things well. You have a perfect plan for my situation. I cast my cares unto you because you are my comforter and my friend O’ God. What my enemies meant for evil, you will surely use it to bless me. I thank you that you will cause my enemies to retreat at the proper time. You will bring them low in humility and they will repent for their mistreatment of me. Thank you God because you will champion me and my enemies will leave me alone. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. I put no trust in my words, and my actions does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In you God, I will make my boast all day long, and I will praise your name forever. Amen. The Logos References: Psalm 23:5, Matthew 28:18, Psalm 44:4–6, and Luke 20:42–43.”” “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” Natural Requests; I desire if all my data the adversary possesses, would be eternally deleted & Adonai Hashem would turn away their host to the hands of their enemies, more like the Prayer of El-Shaphat Divrey Hayamim Bais 20 & Melachim Bais 7 & Bamidbar 26:10 & Yeshayah 26:17-27:3 & Melachim Bais 6:15-19 & Melachim Bais 19:3,6,7 & Bereshis 19:10-25 & Yechezkel 44:28-30 & Lukas 18:12-13 & Mishle 24:17 & Tehillim 83:9-18 & Yeshayah 58:6-14 & Psalms 151-160, herewith going forward, Apply this stratagem, for this (foolishness) is not going away anytime soon, Let us make application to divine wisdom and shrewdness, for I see Hashem wants me to develop the same character as his, maintaining a cordoned area for holiness and filth (Ezekiel 33:11 & Revelation 22:14,15), while striving for compassion and shalom: Healing of our broken world. Yechezkel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith Adonoi Hashem, I have no pleasure in the mot of the rashah; but that the rashah make teshuvah from his derech and live; shuvu (turn ye), shuvu (turn ye) from your drakhim hara’im; for why will ye die, O Bais Yisroel? Hisgalus 22:14-15 14 “Ashrey are the ones washing their kaftans, that they may have the right to the Etz HaChayyim (the Tree of Life) and they may enter by the she’arim (gates) into the city.15 “Outside are the kelevim (dogs) and the mekhashfim (sorcerers, abusers of drugs; *T.N. the original language “pharmakoi” is where we derive the word for “drugs”; sorcerers often abused drugs to hallucinate or induce a passive state when they worked their magic and witchcraft; see Ga 5:20 and Rv 21:8] and the zonim (sexually immoral) and the rotzkhim (murderers) and the ovdei haelilim (idolaters) and everyone loving and practicing sheker. [DEVARIM 23:18] All I desire is safety in the Ether Realm, and make all negative abusive/malpractices in/non-affective to my natural operations thus my pursuit of good ethical tradition and basic human decency, civility, decorum & courtesy. This masonic church dehumanizes its members and this is why, I wrote them formally to disassociate from their dishonorable culture, having made the decision 17years back on the observation of their depravity & psycho-pathic anti-ethical experimental leadership... “Disclosure: Massive amounts of A.I. paired with demonic agencies (& the utility of the Qabbalah) are applied to install other people’s poop (& I smell like sh!t – no amount of showering, toothbrushing or fasting is helping)... Imagine the psyche destruction pursued herein against me. I went on a 39day fast last year August & now the same problems are afflicting me though I St.Luke 18:12, & I’m sick all the time & I cannot sustain any work assignment or will disappoint any employer who gives me work due to health & social nonperformance. “This is how the military intelligence infrastructure destroys ‘Imani’ & cordons (kills off old people, in my country) individuals for their slaughter / psycho-manipulation & even untracevble deaths (fatal motor accidents & ether poisoning), even raping children, women in their sleep (men too).... Do you see why I’m asking for this Ether ArchAngelic Hosts like Puriel (Fiery Lightning & Hail: Psalms 78:48 & Exodus 23:20,23,27,28)? I need a pro-de-FENCE/Wall around my castle & everything I’m worth... Grant me this Legit Proximity Ether Access Control Infrastructure, by your Prayer of Agreement (St.Matthew 18:18-20; Mattityahu 21:22_ And, when you daven, all things whatever for which you may make techinnah (petition, supplication) with emunah, you will receive.) HELP! Understand me request, and Let the Ruach Elohim steward your Council sitting this Tuesday evening...(I write you because there is no deliverance priest in my land who has the know to remove this black-goo/trash)...Herewith, looking forward What institutional Solution can we pursue & conceive by the providence of the Ruach Elohim as a Council of Ecclesia to end this Sodom & Gomorrah Principality: Even taking down their back-up power sources to restrain the continual torture by A.I. is not of help. The Lord Adonai Hashem has been showing me many dreams about EarthQuakes – Are there enough mentions / The Logos verses / Eternal Verdicts&Edicts we can invoke as a Council of Ecclesia to execute judgment on this Principality in the manner of Isaiah 14&47 and Ezekiel 28,37-39 and enter into a Prayer of Agreement using the Keys of David (Revelation 3:7) to establish this deliverance not just for me but for all the Sons of the Covenant/Daughters Born of a free Woman, Sarah/Sinners-Saints Inheriting Salvation (tax collectors & harlots) & the glory, honor, power, blessing, shalom, majesty, mercy, wisdom & dominion be Adonai Hashem’s? Consider this (Judges 20:1-7) as a Council of Ecclesia & Let us be Proverbs 19:11, 16:32, 22:11, 17:10, 16:7, 16:4. May the Ruach Elohim be our Deliverer & Providence in this Prayer Request and the Fear of Hashem & His Pure Spirit’s Counsel prevail (Proverbs 16:9)... In my self-deliverance journey under the stewardship of Dr. Daniel Duval and John Eckhardt over 8years, the Ruach Elohim has prevailed over me to pray with CARE: for He the Ruach Elohim if I pray the Logos does execute my requests and is intent (Upon receipt St. John 20:22) to jealously defend my sanctity & divine scroll (destiny & mandate) & guarantee my 247 worship & shalom... HELP! The no.1 affects I desire to end ASAP is nocturnal sodomy, illegal mind access, sperm harvesting, destruction of gracious nostalgic security, honored culture & dignity, identity obliteration, massive weight loss (I’m seriously under-weight now) & sleep theft (sweet sleep is a heritage of the saints), destruction of digital devices remotely by malware, hacking & deletion of my emails – this sarbotage is ultra expensive and thus I have zero economy... Please engage the Ruach Elohim, for Rabshakkeh (2Kings 19:6-7__””...... Surely I will send a spirit upon him, and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land’’’) to get a false report & depart from his unholy assignment against us and besiegement of my life, territory, city & household that he may fall by the hand of his neighbor.. Ameena Ameena. “Adonai Hashem doesn’t change the conditions of his own people until we look into our own souls”, Let us be like Hezekiah (2Kings 19:14-19), looking into His Eternal Precepts and pray the Logos as He preserved it for us... Can we pray too for a cancellation of this masonic’s church’s operating license in my country at the very least (& may this cargo ship run aground in Malta, St.Luke 17:2 (It is better for him that a great millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were cast into the sea, then that he should offend one of these little ones.) & the prisoners escape & find refuge in this new territory (isle) & St.Paul of Tarsus be a deception/decoy to the soldiers Acts 27:14-44... We the Council of Ecclesia are the Creative Minority, and may Adonai Hashem honor and flourish us... I take counsel with thee my council members that you may advise me through your prayers and the ruach Elohim asks me to put this to you.....Further Disclosure:”In 2020, I was placed in solitary confinement for 5months from Feb-Jul 2020 after taking me by trickery (St.Matthew 26:4) like they seeked Christos to falsely accussed him – I was blind-folded & taken to a terror-SiA holding facility in Uganda. I was tortured like Guantanamo Bay convicts and since then I have tried to find recoiovery, but only Adonai hashem knows what they did to me... Many individuals died in my sight/view/watch out of live violence – yet they took no information from us... This is the power of envy, if unchecked here is where it lands you..They opened a file of being Al-Shabaab with no court charges & & The Lord showed me this was my deluded family and masonic church behind this – seeking to silently put me in the grave silently and disappear without a trace.. How I got out only the Lord Adonai Hashem knows. I was stripped naked and interrogated over items I have no knowledge about in addition to being a Rwandan Spy (my physique is all Rwandese: Hutu) – yet all my paperwork was legit (they doused them in water in my sight to finish all manner to defend myself legally though I had a digital copy & I was not allowed to reference).. But all I cann remember fast foreard, the night before (midnight) I was released barefoot with no $$$ to walk to my residence 15kms and no apology, an massive Lightning strike shook the whole city for it was monsoon raining for just about the whole night and there was a black-out for 3weeks – the lightning strike (St.Matthew 27:45,51-53) was the ArchAngel of hashemPURIEL sent to release me to my destiny (St.Matthew 28:2-4)... I had to sleep in the beach for a year, while doing odd jobs (maintain my silence & hygiene – so no one would know I was homeless while coming to work) after relocating. After iillegal incarceration, their military reserve operatives had stolen everything from my house even clothes – sarbotage & psychotorture (& I had to start all over again even my business documents, they stole so I could no longer return to my water business after putting me out of employment while working as a Chef _ (Eventually, they put me out of my Finance job with the Israel Consulate office in Mombasa when they almost killed my Room-mate Mohammed thinking it was me infront of his parents whom were accommodating me by virtue of being a staff of their family business; SeaFood Restaurant... He stayed at Aga Khan for a full 4months hospitalized, and again I was Homeless again & I had to resign from my job to focus on my best-friend’s recovery) I desire restitution (St.Luke 11:3 & 6:34- 36 & 5:1-8; St.Mark 2:11,25,26 & 6:35-44; St.Matthew 20:8-16 &18:10 & 8:2-4 & 6:30-34 & Lukas 6:38_ Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, having been pressed down and having been shaken, overflowing, will be put into your kheyk (lap). For by what measure you measure it will be measured in return to you. [Ps 79:12; Isa 65:6,7]), for time lost, distress, psche-torture –theft, loss of my marriage, health, agility, mobility, destruction of internal bearing (compass) belief system, children, business & friendships, confiscication of digital devices (& all $$$ stolen from my bank accounsts since it first happened in 2011, Coop bank) by the abuse of their money to have the comprised facets of the intelligence infrastructure at their beck and call... 1. USD 250M 2. A new passport in any receiving country (South Africa Preferred) 3. A Written Apology 4. An economy Flight ticket to my new home, that i may rebuild my life again (St.Matthew 12:18-21) (Forgive me, they destroyed me yesterday night, but Adonai Hashem will be my stay & shalom... There is no barak when you’re associated with this kind of masons, it’s self-justice to engage in private worship. There is no joy in being in a spiritual prison of manufactured illness – through mal-application of the powers of darkness (&being unproductive with all my wealth creation potency), I would rather be in the wilderness shepherding flock. Too it is immoral for me with this caliber of classified forensics/datto live among the normal population. I want to be alone, I desire to achieve full integration in solitude. This is what this church “I was born in” does to anyone who dares follow the cross 7 disassociates from their coven. They use implied false accusations (St.Luke 16:1) to torture people, derail destinies of the saints or just about anyone who has IMAN (Faith)... I’ma a wounded warrior project... We have to agree to disagree & LIVE. They have to respect my religion, otherwise they’re an offence to the saints. Their projection of this manner of extremism, they’d rather be drowned in the depth of the sea or I depart for heaven – Both ways it’s all fair... Freedom of Religion is a human basic right like AIR, as long as it doesn’t call for the destruction of other peoples.. I’ve to protect my ethical integrity at all costs. Ameena.)” Study this Email & the Intentionality of the Chosen Edicts Carefully; The provocation of the adversary: spiritual violence/warfare, defamation & misrepresentation, theft (both natural & digital) & St.Matthew 10:36 (And the OIYVEI ISH ANSHEI VEITO (the enemies of a man will be the members of his own household, MICHOH 7:6)) violence: failed assassination attempts over so many years, my spirit is beyond vexation and I have to be like Ukraine, internalizing the adversary’s superior capacity but maintaining similarly NATO Ether ICBM Prayer Agreements just to maintain my soundness, agility & economy.... I’m a very traumatized individual, and I cannot maintain this for long, I have to develop longterm stratagem to end this, walking away is not a solution, I tried an Edward Snowden Move twice formally & officially and it failed miserably, thus my situation has become worse than the first: I realized the complicity of the system...Looking at the future in hindsight: The dangerous habit of the mind of Going to War is a Choice and not instinctual, and changing habits (deprogramming from my masonic upbringing has been the lord’s mandate into my life) has been a divine prerogative & adoption’s been the alternative (Rebuilding a personal ether wall Revelation 21&22 & Rebirth Ezekiel 28:12-15A) in my life: Virtue Theory and it’s been on my InTray for a very long time to get to Seminary at all costs. ColdWars/Violence is a Human Failure: The Last Refuge of the Incompetence. Part of your Prayer should be my eventual facilitation to pursue & complete DDD.Div, and find work in an unconventional multi-cultural environment to fulfill this divine deprogramming & reorientation into heaven’s frequency & stewardship. I’ll move at the end of next month, and I do not know where I’m going to stay, Holiness is everything to me: It guarantees everything I have, and the path to every pursuit under my divine scroll... Anything I’ve pursued out of divine alignment I lost, All I can keep is what I acquire by obedience to Heaven’s Statues – I have no Idea why the Lord has allowed my environment to be so legalistic with me (Vayikra 26:2-13); Maybe it’s because I did not receive maternal love from birth like Yabetz, however, I acquired an adult (grown-up) mindset before I got to the age of 5. My goal above everything else, is to guard my morality. My Character Content is everything, thus changing my actions to protect my decent belief system, will be the modal universal here... I can’t proceed without an Armour and a Weaponry to preserve my own distinctiveness in a defiled environment – I have to live a normal life at all costs. However, Do not stop praying for me, at least during this next Six Tuesdays & 6 Shabbats: It’s me, sorry I have pseudonames to stay out of trouble. You have the Keys of David Revelation 3:7. Intercede that Adonai Hashem may grant me an ArchAngel to maintain my holiness: I say PURIEL (St.Matthew 18:18-20). Arm me with Ether Weapons to withstand the adversary: I ask for Fiery Lightning (Shemot 23:20 Hinei, I send Malach before thee, to be shomer over thee in the derech, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.) (Tehillim 78:48 He gave up their cattle also to the barad (hail), and their livestock herds to hot thunderbolts.), for Adonai Hashem won’t remove these “Statecraft HumanBots” from my presence anytime soon (Gang-stalking), I have to take over Canaan by St.Matthew 11:12 & Shemot 23:30 (Me’at me’at (little by little) I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit ha’aretz.). The goal of the enemy is to destroy the time I spend in the Logos daily. (
not accept this (St.Matthew 11:12). I also need a job/$$$ (Isaiah 45:3) to move to safety. Anoint me with holy Olive Aloes Cassia Myrrh Spikenard Mint Anise Cummin Cinnamon Frankinscence Oil & speak the same to my substance, especially my consort St.Hannah (1 Samuel 1:5A, 7-19) & fullness thereof Psalm 89:20-29; 7:15-16; 9:15- 16; 10:2 & the virtues of shrewdness, Proverbs 31:26, contentment, meekness, mercy, great restraint & silence. The reason I write you is because the Lord Hashem showed me a dream back in 2017, after listening to a Bride Ministries Podcast where you were Guest that your ministries intercession will be my eventual freedom and deliverance through the sea of reeds. Be my guardian angels (Yehudim in Moshiach 12:23; Wisdom 3:1-9) & save my soul & my wife from destruction using the ether realm. Pray The Logos & Speak pro-defensive & renunciation prayers from the criminal jw.org & its paid mercenaries on my behalf. Also, ask the Ruach Elohim to teach me how to uproot sodomy altars illegally planted in my residence (2Samuel 22:15; Psalm 18:14; Joel 2:23; Hosea 6:3). Speak too into my soul, mind, spirit & strength, my wife Saint Hannah, residence, apartment, community, city and all assets as well the Psalms 82 Divine Council edicts: Isaiah 14&47 & Ezekiel 37&38&39 & Hisgalus 3:7-13, 21&22 to vapourize all residue altars & portals of illegal access. I have no $$$ to give, I sold everything to follow the cross & gave to the poor. Hide me, my Mother In Law, my Life Partner St.Hannah & Father In Law & future offspring, my Blood Covenant friend Geoffrey Maina Githethwa and Grandma Camilla Emoit Etyang & Keziah Mumbi Machora & Naomi Sha’ul Mungai, Bibi Shani Bakal Omar & Gideon Ngugi Kamau & Elon Vesterppen Mushi, The Late Dr. Michael $. Heiser, Radlick Davis Junior, Sarai Nyabonyi Nyamache, Franklin Rossi Sirma, Yonas Mutie, Mutisya, Kimani Nyoike, Peninah Ruguru, Kennedy Mathenge, Christine Wangui Wachira, Timothy Bakibinga, Joseph Kangethe Wanyoike, Vatis Giustina Kallah Beular, CMB Martin Pastour, James Saint Musila Muli, Christopher waithaka, Christopher samora, Said Nur Qualie, Mercy Nyaguthii, Geoffrey Saint Mwombeki, Mourine Owuor, Duncan Mungai, Salim Said Omar, Thaddeus Ndemo, Rebbe Josiah Timothy, Richard Katana Abdi-Fattah Ezekiel Ombima, Sandra Lombard, Sebastien Mbatraka Lunelli, Amani Soolia Bensouda with the Eternal Edicts: Revelation 21; Psalms 151-160; Isaiah 58:6-14; 2Kings 7; Vayikra 26:7-26; Exodus 23:20-33; Deuteronomy 28:7; Proverbs 25:21; Ezekiel 44:28-30; Genesis 19:10-25; Isaiah 26:17-27:3; 2Kings 19:3,6,7; Ezekiel 28:6-10; Numbers 26:10; Philippian 3:20; 2Kings 6:15-19; Genesis 26:13; Deuteronomy 28; Ezekiel 28; St.Mark 12:33; Psalms 82 & 83:9-18; Psalm 45,90,125-128,136&146, Psalm 116:9, St.Matthew 11:12, Proverbs 31:20&26, Psalm 63:5-8, Malachi 3:9-12, St.Luke 21:18,19, St.John 21:5-12, St. Matthew 19:19, 21:22, Psalm 8:5-9, Isaiah 45:3, 1Chronicles 4:9-10, Exodus 13:13, Psalm 80:17; 105:15; 78:48-54, Numbers 6:24-26, Deuteronomy 21:10-13, Psalm 90:12, Psalm 18:14, Proverbs 3:1-34 & 6:1-8, St. Luke 17:29, the Prayer of El-Shaphat 2Chronicles 20, the Prayer of Judith & the Prayer of Azariah & the Prayer of Manasseh, Acts 13:3-13, Proverbs 11:24A, Exodus 36:1- 7, St.John 20:22, Psalm 84:11, Proverbs 6:27-35 and post them on the firmament that I may be saved... Aleiluia! Ameena. Ameena.
Devarim 26:1-29:8 Shemos 22:24 Devarim 23:19-20 Mishle 19:17 Tehillim 112:1-10 Devarim 15:7 Mishle 28:8 Vayikra 19:10 Devarim 15:1-23 Devarim 23:19 Devarim 15:12-18 Melachim Bais 1 1:1-18 Yochanan 11:35 Kefa II 1:4 Lukas17:2,5,6,10,14-19,29,34,37 Lukas 15:23 Yeshayah 53:3-5 Yirmeyah 31:3 Kefa I 5:14 Shofetim 5:20 So Hashem has given us precious havtachot gedolot (great promises 3:4,9,13 cf.2:19) that through these promises you might become [regenerate] deveykus participants with the life of the teva haelohi (divine nature, cf Yn 1:13], having escaped the [degenerate] Olam Hazeh’s lust engendered corruption. And Hashem Eloheicha will put out those Goyim before thee m’at m’at (little by little); thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the sadeh increase upon thee. Shalom at all costs to all the Edward Snowdens', afflicted, refugees, levites, orphans, widows, needy and poor.
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I asked God in Jesus' name to answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy.

Prayer Focus: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless all those I love and care about to accept the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Save us all Lord Jesus and become our Savior and Lord. God may we all come to know, love, and live our lives to honor You. God bless each of us with the desire to read, listen to, and meditate upon Your Word daily. God bless us with the strength and spirit of obedience to be doers of Your Word and not just hearers and readers of Your Word. Bless us with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal each of us Lord Jesus in all areas of our lives. Bless us to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless us with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for the purpose you created each of us for. Bless us with the desire to seek Your face, embrace, and surrender to Your will. Bless and help each of us to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. God bless us with Your joy, peace, protection, prosperity, and success as we live our lives to please You. Rain down from heaven the blessings and the favor of GOD upon each of our lives, so that we will be blessed and be a blessing. Let each of us be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle we each live. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer and all those who truly want Your best for me. God Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

Child of God, Let's Talk About Life!
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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