Beloved of All
Father, I ask You give open doors, intercessors, multiply prayers and evangelists & let the true gospel go forth. May the gospel spread faster than the virus. Give guidance to the decision makers, government, doctors, medical staff, first responders, national guard, suppliers and military doctors.
Help people and their family members insist on chloroquine since it’s been approved since 1947 in The U.S. and 1934 in Germany and can be given on a compassionate basis (but they have to be coherent or have their family insist). It works. Prescribe antibiotics, speed the approval of remdesivir, ampligen and the others antiviral therapies. Let us use blood plasma transfer from recovered individuals as it’s worked for over 100 years and is FDA approved. Thank You for Red Cross and The Salvation Army.
Hasten the findings of the laboratory studies for the four vaccines that have been effective against coronavirus in lab animals, the one (or two) that skipped animal testing and went straight into human studies. Grant the media to focus on these studies and ask positive questions. Save the media, government, medical personnel, law enforcement, military, prisoners and all realms of society. Help people not to panic and strengthen the economy. Thank You for providing for churches and let the preached, read & written Word of God spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thes 3:1-3).
Let people wash their hands, keep a safe distance, shower after coming in from outside, disinfect their houses & leave their shoes outside. Let people wash their hands, keep their distance from others, bathe after coming in from outside, leave their shoes outside & disinfect their dwellings. Let people shower, wash their hands, clean thir homes, keep their distance & not bring their dirty shoes inside. There can be no contamination if these practices are kept. Thank You in Jesus’ Name
Help people and their family members insist on chloroquine since it’s been approved since 1947 in The U.S. and 1934 in Germany and can be given on a compassionate basis (but they have to be coherent or have their family insist). It works. Prescribe antibiotics, speed the approval of remdesivir, ampligen and the others antiviral therapies. Let us use blood plasma transfer from recovered individuals as it’s worked for over 100 years and is FDA approved. Thank You for Red Cross and The Salvation Army.
Hasten the findings of the laboratory studies for the four vaccines that have been effective against coronavirus in lab animals, the one (or two) that skipped animal testing and went straight into human studies. Grant the media to focus on these studies and ask positive questions. Save the media, government, medical personnel, law enforcement, military, prisoners and all realms of society. Help people not to panic and strengthen the economy. Thank You for providing for churches and let the preached, read & written Word of God spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thes 3:1-3).
Let people wash their hands, keep a safe distance, shower after coming in from outside, disinfect their houses & leave their shoes outside. Let people wash their hands, keep their distance from others, bathe after coming in from outside, leave their shoes outside & disinfect their dwellings. Let people shower, wash their hands, clean thir homes, keep their distance & not bring their dirty shoes inside. There can be no contamination if these practices are kept. Thank You in Jesus’ Name