Elizabeth F
Humble Servant of All
As many of my dear friends in Christ on this forum know, I have been really suffering in mind and body for a long time. I have often thought that what is happening to me are attacks from the evil one. Especially my mind as even the psychiatrist I saw in hospital has never come across what is happening to me. It really is like being tortured 24/7. I will try to summarise my journey so far. I have believed in God all my life even as a child and gave my life to Jesus over 30 years ago. I attended a house church twice a week but was never happy as EVERYTHING seemed to be a sim. Then a dear friend who had such great faith and believed she would be healed of cancer (and was told by other Christians that she would be healed) died a horrible death in hospital just before her daughter got married and whose wedding she was looking forward to. The house church closed and I turned to New Age practices such as angel cards, healings, etc. I still believed in God and Jesus but gave up on religion. This went on for a while and then I had a nervous and physical breakdown and became bedridden. After four years, I turned away from all the New Age practices and my sister and I cleared the house of everything to do with it, repented to God, and rededicated our lives to Jesus. Then one bad thing after another happened. I lost three beloved pets in a short space of time, including a dog who was the love of my life and it broke my heart. Then my brother who had cancer, and who we had praying to be healed, died followed by the very sudden death of a close friend. There followed many truly awful things one after the other. Then when I was in hospital suffering from COVID, I found out that my horse who had gone missing was found dead. Then later, as you know, I was in hospital earlier this year for two months and now I am home, my mental and physical health has deteriorated despite hospital treatment and medication and there really is nothing else I can try. My sister and I have reached out to many other Christians during all this but have been let down so feel very alone but thankful to have each other. We are both so grateful to have found Prayer request.com and are so very grateful for your love, support, and prayers. I have to confess I am scared as I do believe I am under attack but am too weak to fight. I have told Satan that I belong to God and have been purchased by the blood of Jesus and to get out of my head, body, and home but the suffering continues. What else can I do, dear friends? I can't go on suffering like this. I know God is a supernatural God for whom nothing is impossible and I really need a miracle! Please forgive me for such a long post and for any typos; I just wanted to share with you why I am so exhausted. All I can do is throw myself on God's mercy but is that enough? Surely there is no "formula" but simply coming to Jesus and ask for His mercy and healing just as people did when He was on earth? He never turned anyone away but reached out in love and compassion to heal. Please dear Jesus, forgive me for all my sins. Forgive me for being afraid. Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unbelief. I ask you to heal me both in mind and body and to heal ###. We will praise you forever and give glory to Father God and lift up your name. This I ask in your name Jesus. Amen.