Servant of All
She is being attacked and perhaps possesed by demonic presence. These states she gets in her personality completely changes. She speaks in different languages sometimes. She also tells me she sees a litlle black haired girl sometimes like from horror movies. Also sings before this change happens. In prayer few names have come up to this demon; legion, astaroth, hades, jezebel and nameless. In Jesus name and blood all of these power and princibalities are bound and cast out. In Jesus name and blood all legal rigths and soul ties allowing these spirits to work in her life are cut and severed. In Jesus name and blodo her heart is prepared to receive the gosbel of Christ fully. As shown in prophecy grown of salvation will be placed on her head. And as shown to her in dream new name shall be given to her. She has also received a prohecy herself that she will fully accept Christ as her savior. God's purpose and plan will prevail and all the plans amd deceit of the enemy will go in vain. Father I ask you to sharpen my spiritual senses and gift of discrment so I can discern corretly and honoring you. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.