Beloved of All
I am a couple years and a couple months separated from a significantly unhealthy marriage, in leaving I lost my friends and my family for the first two years. No one sees inside the home but God and when he saw me tell my spouse he was treating wrongly and my spouse say so what you going to do about it the choice was given me and I would be blessed either way. The Lord asked if I go I open domestic violence shelters which I am working on. I left with ###$, no car and less social supports than could be counted on one hand. It didn’t work ideally and when staying with a briefly staying with a church member I reached out to our marital regional church leadership to see if assistance finding low cost apartments my regional leader betrayed my trust to my separated spouse. This put me in a position where to keep custody I had to move back in with my son’s dad. I started my business degree while technically homeless and moved out of the spouses houses few months later. My mail was messed up for over a year, I had to battle Department of Social Services for Food stamps with 2 appeals. I had no church support for a year and limited before and after. My spouse is consistently rude and demeaning to me, he is better with my son but he has to stand up for his preschooler self. I have worked hard to help his learn to be more attentive and compassionate with our son so he is a pretty good dad which sometimes causes my son to get very angry at me for not staying in the relationship with his unrepentant father who after two years never did the first marital repair exercise and still belittles me daily. My son almost cost me one of my jobs for acting up on me at work. I study in the middle of the night and his dad who didn’t clean his own house is my only typical assistance. His dad lost the home to foreclosure and did not invest much into figuring out a new place or saving the belongings as he has repeatedly tried to stay more and more nights with us bringing a spirit of domination with his daily visits. I have worked very hard to get him back into his home as impressions have guided. I have preapproval for the Loan and need to meet with a lawyer meanwhile the spiritual attack is wild my son is now jetting out into streets and the destruction of property accidentally is more than coincidence. My son has terrible nightmares and now stays up until 12 am regularly so studying is very tough and I am behind. I pray all day but the Lord tells me there must be an opposition to all things so all negative spirits being gone is not going to work still I am feeling out gunned by the principalities and need help there. My clean one bedroom is cluttered and dirty after doubling its contents the day before his eviction ( I am trying to steadily make progress on it). Tomorrow I meet with a free group to beg for assistance as I cannot afford the house offer after a standard lawyer and I really want to save the home. His dad starts a new job Monday at which point my broken car must be fixed to get me to work and my son to doctors. I couple really use prayer.
My Dear and Beloved Lord thou knows I am exhausted and working as best as I know how. Thou knows that my constant prayers have allowed us to make it through the day as well as we have and though knows it is a daily battle for us and the headaches and nodding off in homework are frequent. I am grateful for the care thou has given and the victory thou has for me to provide safety and fair wholesome visitation, safety impressions those escaping worse situations than I have. Please help us endure, be good to one another, and figure out systems, and practices I need to be as efficient as I need to be. We love thee and I say this in our saviors Beloved name even Jesus Christ Amen.
My Dear and Beloved Lord thou knows I am exhausted and working as best as I know how. Thou knows that my constant prayers have allowed us to make it through the day as well as we have and though knows it is a daily battle for us and the headaches and nodding off in homework are frequent. I am grateful for the care thou has given and the victory thou has for me to provide safety and fair wholesome visitation, safety impressions those escaping worse situations than I have. Please help us endure, be good to one another, and figure out systems, and practices I need to be as efficient as I need to be. We love thee and I say this in our saviors Beloved name even Jesus Christ Amen.