Thank you so much for all of your past prayers, they have always been answered but here I am again in need of God's loving spirit help my family. My son is ADHD and has other behavior issues, I want to pray for him calmness as well as our family, my husband, daughter and me to have peace in our home again. I am not sure if it is the heat but there has been a lot of friction and attitude in the family, there has been no peace , everyone has been extremely agitated. My daughter has been dating a very sweet boy who is extremely respectful for over 4 months, her first long relationship, his family has taken her in, made dinner for her, taken her out to eat, shopped little gifts for her, invite her on family affairs, they have accept her whole heartedly. My husband has been nothing but RUDE to this boy, he screams when he gets home from work he doesn't want anyone at the house, He screams if he is over our house really loud we are not cooking tonight, He screams when I invite him to go to my sons swim lessons or to the park, when its just me and the kids and he's at work. He is so jealous of him. We are going to go to Universal Studios tomorrow and I already told my daughter her boyfriend can come, My husband almost backed out of going all together until I put my foot down to be firm with him and tell him to change his attitude. I never get to see my daughter cause she is always at her boyfriends house instead of ours but I don’t blame her, this is her step dad but he has raised her since she was 3. Her boyfriend is nice to my son and plays with him and gives him guidance. He is a good role model. My husband is very territorial and moody, sometimes he is the nicest guy ever and sometimes he is the biggest you know what. He is ADHD and possibly bipolar because of his mood swings, my sons issues come from his side of the family. I need peace in our home again, laughter and happiness. I need my husband to accept her boyfriend and stop being so RUDE or I know my daughter will rebel. She is a good girl but his attitude is keeping her away she has admitted she hates him and cant stand being home anymore. As soon as he gets off work she leaves the house with her boyfriend. I need God's protection and peace over our home. Thank you so much for listening to my prayer.