Beloved of All
Hi I am writing for prayers for spiritual attack. I need a good community of people to help with a decision I need to make! I have been in so much isolation lately and don’t have that kind of community here where I am because I have a hard time leaving my house due to mental health disorders/severe anxiety/borderline personality disorder. I want to get delivered from any and every spirit/demon but I have to take a flight to this place and I will be going alone because my sister and my boyfriend don’t have their passports. I also don’t think they want to go lol and that they think I’m crazy for wanting to be delivered but I feel like a pull or something but at the same time I’m confused and unsure. I need a clear sign that this is the right decision I’ve been praying but doubt and fear have been coming up and I’m scared to go alone. I am impulsive sometimes so I’m overthinking the whole thing but I really want to be delivered!! I’m tired of having episodes of intense anger and sadness, lately I can’t control it and lose physical control of my emotions and make fists and sometimes feel like I have to pull my hair or hit my head to stop the thoughts and it makes me want to die. It’s gotten worse over the last couple of years and I’m tired of isolating myself and having no friends. And I’m tired of the severe trust issues that make it impossible to make friends
my boyfriend says he believes in god but when I told him I wanted to go to this revival he thought I was crazy. I feel very deeply for the spiritual realm I don’t know what it means and no one understands! please pray for me on making the right decision and when I should go, I just found all this stuff out a couple of days ago about this revival deliverance I want to go to so I am overwhelmed because I can go either January February or march of 2025 (are the dates they have the event). Thank you for listening.