Beloved of All
Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in holy name & holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus, we deeply appreciate , bless love & thank You for all things done on aldean's behalf. Allow your holy anointed holy divine favor upon aldean, during this whole 2020 year, in all areas of his life, to be a sweet pleasing unto You always, for You are Holy Lord God Jesus, faithful & true; supply all of aldean's needs be fully met and never be lacking thereof, bless all of those whom are helping in every step of the way in his life; bless the work he does faithfully, to ensure all is done accordingly & abundantly to your ways; protect aldean's life, health, family, jobs, monies, real inheritances, properties & all else misc., in holy Name & holy Blood of holy Lord God Jesus; put all positive working jobs in aldean's hands & possession, to ensure and receive all monies, monies of george bernard somerville owed to aldean in every way, actions is paid totally in fully into aldean's kept possession, without any evils, holdups, lies, treacheries, blockings , etc., keeping aldean from progressing positively in your holy divine favor; rebuke, break, destroy & defeat the devil, the garbage, every evils, sicknesses, curses, hexes, lies, liars, greedy people, traitors, deceivers, thieves, email scammers, fraudsters, haters, enemies, hatreds, racisms, other "isms", all demons, evildoers, evil polices, laws, Andrew Seebeck, the liar, deciever and fraudster, demons of duncan mckelvey, george bernard somerville, of his family, friends, neighbors, friends, etc., against aldean, in the holy Name & holy Blood of holy Lord God Jesus; have your holy Will, Way & Authority, via your holy Divine Favor, throughout all areas of aldean's life; we stand on Revelation 12:11, Matthew 7:7; Zachariah 4:6; Psalms 121, 27 & 37 chapters; Isaiah 54:17 on aldean's behalf; allow everyone whom is truly & totally positive and in positive spirit and mindset of this prayer request site stand in full agreement on aldean's behalf without any negative thoughts & actions, according to Ephesians 4:27, for Your Holy Well Glory! , Allow all of aldean's spoken & unspoken prayer requests, be manifested & done accordingly. You are Holy Holy Holy! Blessed be our Abba Father Holy Lord God Jesus! We deeply exalt, appreciate, bless, love & thank You, in the Holy Name & Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus. Yes & Amen.