The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Thank you Lord for the word of truth that the world didn’t want me to know! I am privileged to be called a child of God! Yes I am your heritage, I belong to you. I give me back to you. Let your will be done in my entire life existence. I thank you Father that I inherited everything you have, with Himself in me! The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Is all mines! Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? I will! or who shall stand in his holy place? I shall! He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. For me! He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. I shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation! This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek his face. I lift up, the everlasting doors; and the King of glory came in! Who is this King of glory? ME!
The am the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. I Lift up my myself in my gates; I even lift myself up, by the everlasting doors; and the King of glory came in. Who is this King of glory? I am the Lord of hosts, I am the King of glory.
I will receive my inheritance. What I learned about money wasn’t true. For now on I choose to adopt my own thinking about money. When they say no you want! I say yes i can!
When they say more money more problems. I say let me have problems with my billions dollars or Millions!
When they say Money is the root of all evil. I say thank God for my roots!
The way the world deals with money is their thing not mine! I decide how to act in this area! I free myself from negative experience of money and build a rich future for myself! Believing it is I who count it all joy when they say I will fall into divers temptations. Yes may faith will be tried. But I knew it will work my patience in me and through it all I will stay patience until I have my perfect work done in me and through me. And If i lack wisdom, the Lord will continue remind me to ask of him. Thank you Lord for giving me wisdom liberally, and thank you for teaching me to not criticize myself but stay patient and to continue in faith, without division within my mind. I will not be like those who is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. Wondering if money is the root of all evil! Saying things like money doesn't grow on trees. Or a penny saved is a penny earned. Or money is evil, rich people are greedy, or I'm not good with money. Bull Shit!
I know for a fact with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. If you and your soul can believe. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE to you! BELIEVE! Abba, Father, all things are possible unto you; thank you for taking away the cup of lies from me: May it be no longer what I will, but what thou wilt.
I believe! I SHALL RECEIVE ALL THINGS of my Lord. So I no longer keep a double minded mind. I am stable in all my ways and I will continue to Rejoice and believe that i shall be exalted: like the rich, I shall not be made low: I to shall be superior and I shall be Blessed enduring temptation while continuing to be patient while growing. I shall receive my crown, which the Lord hath promised to me! I love him. So I will no longer be enticed by the Prince of this world. I no longer believe that blessing and prosperity is only for the rich! God does not entice man to believe that wealth is only for the rich: All men who are tempted to believe they shouldn’t be rich. Will not become rich! Because THEY are drawn away of their own doubtful thoughts of unbelief. I no longer allow myself to bring forth doubtful sinful thoughts of death and poverty. I know that Every good gift and every perfect gift is FROM ABOVE. I will stay encouraged! Being patient WHILE praying and continue to CALL DOWN MY BLESSINGS from the Lord! UNTIL MY BLESSING COME! I no am the head! Not the tail! I no am above! Not beneath! I believe my desires shall come to pass. My Lord has set me all on high. To Believe all things I desire are mine! I am Blessed in the city! I am blessed everywhere and my Lord shall continue to command my blessing in my STOREHOUSES! Because of all the good things that I set my mind to do. The Lord has establish it! So be it! In Jesus name! Amen