Good and Faithful Servant
Sorry I offend but the truth has to come out and it does say the end times, the women the true church of God will come out of the wilderness. The dragon spewed out water, which wasn't Noah's Flood which a lot of people teach for that doesn't make sense since we're talking about the end times here not before the flood in Revelations, but the water is his word, Satan's words. His teachings and false teachings etc... be ye not surprised for Satan himself is turned into an angel of light. Meaning he's into Christianity but teaches false teachings to promote his kingdom. If what has been taught was truth then things would be a lot better and different but it's worse and getting worse. I've been commissioned to be a watcher and to try and straiten the way. Daniel says to shut up the books so that means most of anything taught from that wasn't true until the end times which began when Israel was again it's own kingdom and not owned by other countries so that means up until 1948 much of Daniel wasn't known or could be know. Look at the great disappointment in the 1830's and 40s. Due to Millers wrong interpretations of Daniel they all thought God was returning then and it never happened, then more garbage was taught like he came but only in the spirit, Garbage... I knew the first time reading scripture there would be no literal third temple and no pre-trib rapture. But that is still a thing that people teach so when Jesus does come they won't know and be lost. The man of sin and perdition is not a one man thing it's people all together as one. Several clues as to why that's truth is found in scripture when it says they spoke as one man and acted as one etc... 666 is beliefs and how they act forehead as in what they think or believe, hands as in what they do and or works. Mans kingdom is Idolatry. Anyways this is more truth than not. I pray people will see this and begin to search the scriptures for themselves and learn. It takes a naรฏve way to look at things not with guile or sophistication. I pray that people will repent of their stupidity and ignorance and truly become the true remnant, and stop letting Govt and or people rule over them AMEN!