Faithful Servant
Sooo sad no hours at jc penny no pay
I pray for better days I don’t know how much more I can take something got to happen cause won’t be long rent n bills are due again n I don’t know if I can make it I really don’t want to be homeless Than i start a new job tomorrow it only 3days at night but I don’t know how I am getting home I have to watch what I spend Ipray things go back to normal Or go send me a job with hours cause it been like this for awhile I am tired of trying to keep it together and Pleass don’t leave a smart comment I been so depressed n sad n honestly i am tied of people saying stop being a hog n taken all the Hours or say you should be ashamed of yourself for working n not being home with your kids FYI your not in my shoes so stop judging me 

and I don’t beg n ask for money I rather work to earn it If you don’t like what I post than excuse your self n unfriend me it my business if I want to work 1 or 2 or 6 jobs lol
n I rebuke anyone that is saying anything mean bout me