Good and Faithful Servant
Song God is love/ he's not bad/ as some people say////// and I don't know why they wont rrrrreeepennt.... God is love/ but you turn your back on him so what other choice does he have but to give you up to what you waaaaannnnnttt Then when things go bad then you blame hiiiiiimmmmm But God is love this I know and he would clean things up realy fast but you wont alloooow hiiiiim But God is love and not hate he's good and to blame he left us his word to read and people should reppppeeennnt. But people don't want to allow him to do what he would for us and not give up on the work of their haaaaaaandddsssss But God is love and not bad this I know he is for me so who can be against meeeeeee He made it really easy to repent just in faith and believe he is the son of Gooooodddd.... and he died for your sins and resurrected. But god is love this I know and I know his kingdom is on the verge of coming back sooooon But don't wait too long for the doooor of grace is cloooossssing sooon! But god is love this I know God is love he told me so for God is love and I know he cares fur uuuuuussssss But GOd is love this I know GOd is love he told me so so God is love and not bad like people like tooo sayyyyy... But God is love he told me so I read his word and I know this.... For God is love this I know I love him even so God is love and this I knoooow He broke my heart when I read about what he did on the corss so no matter what people saaaaaayy God is love this I know God is love for he told me so so no matter what you can count on hiiiiiim.... THen repeat God is love this I know God is love for he told me so for God is love this I know for God is looooovvveeee pray if you want this is more of a song thanks AMEN and AMEN!