Soften the Hearts of all citizens and those residing in The United States. Please grant racial healing and repentance to the whole Country. We pray for Kings and All in Authority in The U.S. Government, Military, Law Enforcement (Federal, State, County and City) & Fire Departments, EMT Teams, Hospitals to have grace and peace and mercy extended to them so as to receive Jesus Christ and live by His law of love... Lead and Guide President Trump, Mike Pence, Ben Carson, Jay Sekulow and Heal Judge Brett Kavanaugh (as one can ssee he is shaken) and his family right now who have been brought to sudden public attention. Help us always remember that in our Country, one is innocent until “Proven Guilty.” Please replace The Spokesperson to the house, former Govornor of S.C., Nikki Haley, with Your choice of a representative who will be ass kind and truthful as she was. Help Christians Pray for our leaders out of the fear of God (1 Tim 2:1-8) strengthen those who are interceeding as they are not wrestling against mere flesh and blood (Eph 6:10-20), Help believers and churches rally together peacefully and actually Show Up to Vote in the Upcoming Elections in The United States, as well as The Free Nations of the World without intimidation, as should be the casse in “free countries,” and give Godly Representatives and Leaders and fair voter counts — Soften the Hearts of Leaders and Open “Closed, Regime-Like Countries” to The Gospel and Democracy... Protect the believers and missionaries there and release those bound in prison for their faith and testimony of Jesus in those countries (like you did for Peter and John, and again later for just Peter in Acts). Protect missionaries and believers and make them invisible to anyone who would want to hurt them or slow the progress of the gospel (especially the evil one, who is a real fallen angel). Help us “Continue to remember those in prison as if we were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3, NIV), thank you in The Name of Jesus.